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lmfao [16 Oct 2009|12:02am]
I'm sure some of you have seen this, but it cracked me up so bad. )
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[16 Oct 2009|12:19am]
I know I have a long way to go birthday is on feb. 6 and I turn 21. I'm planning to get my first tattoo (which is a dedication to my grandma) on my leg. On a scale of 1-10, how bad is the pain? I want it like, by my calf-ankle area by the way. Thanks in advance to whoever answers :)

And for those of you who don't have tattoos or don't feel like answering the first question, what was the last book you read? What book are you reading now?

I finished reading The Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice and I'm on Angels & Demons by Dan Brown.
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[16 Oct 2009|12:33am]
i got my first fucking ticket today! i apparently did not stop completely at a stop sign. i'm pissed because i've never even been so much as pulled over much less gotten a ticket obviously, idk why he couldn't have just given me a warning.

have you ever gotten a ticket? what for?
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[16 Oct 2009|12:49am]
Lets talk about boobs.

How big are yours? Do you wish they were bigger or smaller? Are you happy with yours? Have yours been the same size for a while, or are they still growing?

Mine are 38DD and they keep getting bigger. A few months ago I was a 36D and I totally don't get it. It's not like I'm gaining weight anywhere else. I wish mine were smaller :[
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[16 Oct 2009|01:01am]
What were your favorite childhood books? Mine were:

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Falling Up by Shel Silverstein
The New Kid on the Block by Jack Prelutsky
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[16 Oct 2009|01:24am]
are you weird about names?

do you think you get along better with people who have the same name as you? are there people that you don't get along with that all have a similar name? or that all do?

for example, i get along with most katies, i feel like we all have similar personalities. kates are different, though. i have seriosuly NEVER met a person with a kris-sounding name (kristen, krista, kyrsten, krissy, etc) that i do get along with, with the exception being crystal, but i don't think that counts. jeffs have always been weirdly significant people on my life. i've also never met a lindsay i didn't like.
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[16 Oct 2009|02:11am]
hey i'm fat and even though i am active i want an elliptical

do any of you have one in your house, if so what kind is it and how much was it
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[16 Oct 2009|02:33am]
whatcha up to if you're still awake?

i'm trying to write this boy an email and it sounds so awkwardd ugh.
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[16 Oct 2009|11:00am]
So I have the number to an apartment complex that I'm considering living at next school year. I've never done this before, so I need some tips.
-What do I say when I call? Do I ask if I can see an apartment - or will they ask me that?
-If I do go see an apartment, what kinds of things should I be looking for?
-How does the process of getting an apartment work - when do you sign the lease or what steps are taken to signing a lease.

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[16 Oct 2009|12:05pm]
how does your family feel about your choices regarding marriage and children?

my grandma tells me to wait until i'm at least 30 to get married (if i must at all) and not to ever have children. she says her children ruined her life and if she could, she would go back and only have dogs.
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[16 Oct 2009|12:16pm]
those of you who have worked in outbound call centers, either telemarketing or surveying, did you know one person who got a sale or survey on almost every call they made? what was their secret?

this has baffled me since i worked at a survey place for about a month. there was one guy who seriously got nearly every survey he called on and i used the exact words he used and i barely ever got anything, ever. i was convinced it was some kind of voice hypnosis so please enlighten me
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new to div [16 Oct 2009|12:34pm]
i turned 21 on monday but because i was super busy with work and school we're celebrating it this weekend. what drinks should i try? i've never drank before so something that isn't too strong would probably be perfect.

what did you do on your 21st? or for those of you under 21, what do you plan to do?
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[16 Oct 2009|12:59pm]
I know there are a good amount of people in this general area, so it's worth a shot. Has anyone gone to this?

I still have four hours to back out haha. So I'm wondering how bad it really is D:
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[16 Oct 2009|12:59pm]
Recommend a good photography camera! Digital or classic (specify which!)
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[16 Oct 2009|01:33pm]
has anyone seen Zombieland yet?
was it good?
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[16 Oct 2009|02:39pm]
a heartwarming story to brighten your day.
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[16 Oct 2009|03:41pm]
do you dream in color or black and white?
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[16 Oct 2009|04:59pm]
im so bloated/gassy/fat right now ;~; periods suck

what do you want to complain about?
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ugh my grandma better hurry the fuck up...i'm hungry and i want marie callenders! [16 Oct 2009|06:24pm]
it took hours~ but, div how do you get over hangovers?

and when you're at your worst point of being wasted, who takes care of you? or who do you always end up taking care of?
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[16 Oct 2009|06:35pm]
Who saw Where the Wild Things Are?
What did you think? Anyone a bit disappointed over how depressing the characters were and how unlike the book it was?
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[16 Oct 2009|06:44pm]
divierto i just had to call the police on someone downstairs for the second time and our downstairs door won't lock because he bashed it in. what is with people?

anyway post your most recent picta with another person

here's mine )
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