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stay classy, divierto

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[10 Oct 2009|11:26am]
can someone please explain to me what an anxiety attack is like?

lately, i swear i think im having one or about to have one. it usually happens when i'm arguing really bad with my boyfriend. my heart starts to speed up, i start shaking, sweating, i get migraines, and my breath starts to get short.
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[10 Oct 2009|12:03pm]
I know there were people in here who wanted to see it, so in case you didn't know already: Paranormal Activity IS getting a nationwide release! :D Check to see when and where it's playing by you!
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hmmm... [10 Oct 2009|12:43pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

has the vampire diaries aired yet?
do you think it is any good/ or will be.
i havent read the books.

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[10 Oct 2009|02:42pm]
every other book i pick up is about vampires...
things that annoy you recently?
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[10 Oct 2009|03:12pm]
what do you do when you're having a lonely day, div?

the house is empty, i don't have to work, and i haven't gotten my contacts back from danger/tmobile so i can't get in touch with any of my friends to go and do something. at least the friends that i know wouldn't be busy. i had planned on going to starbucks or somewhere with my notebook and ipod to write a little but i can't even work up the courage to leave the house alone -.-
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[10 Oct 2009|03:51pm]
Do your friends know you online journal? How do they feel about it?

I just got back from hanging with [info]hyz and her friend Megan. Internet things seem so much more ridiculous aloud as we're trying to explain to her some of the things that happens on here she was just so confused haha.
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[10 Oct 2009|05:04pm]
What movie should my boyfriend and I rent tonight?

Or I guess to make it easier, what's your favorite movie?
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[10 Oct 2009|06:01pm]
Costume suggestions, div? I was going to go as ms. Freddy Kruger (female version of him, sweater dress, fedora, claw hand) but I couldn't rent Elm Street today, so that's out. I checked Party and I'm unable to decide...either dressing up as a sexy cop, or just skipping this year altogether.

Have you guys decided your costumes yet? If not...what's your favorite halloween candy/candy in general?

edit! I'm actually considering going as Miss Voorhees. It's an internet-only order, and it's like..$50.00, but I'll see if I can talk my dad into getting it for me. I know, I know, spoiled.
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[10 Oct 2009|07:29pm]
What program do you use to download your music? Limewire, ares, etc. And have you ever had problems with it?
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[10 Oct 2009|10:41pm]
why is it dead? even though i'm currently stressed, i'm going to do my part to contribute. so i have a serious question.

you know how cops hide in sneaky spots, like behind bushes, somewhere in the middle of the highway to catch speedsters? well i see them creeping every once in a while but i do not get how they can chase someone if they are speeding. it's a highway - wouldn't they get into an accident if they just randomly shot out after someone? also, if the speedster is going 85mph+, how is the cop ever going to catch up if he's starting from zero and has to be wary of not bumping into traffic?

this probably has a simple answer but it still mystifies me.
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i love these posts :[ [10 Oct 2009|11:47pm]
what was the last thing you bought? )
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