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[08 Oct 2009|12:16am]
what was your first job?
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[08 Oct 2009|02:16am]
re: david letterman and his ~sex scandal~

do you support him or think what he did was repulsive?

personally i can't understand how martha stewart can throw around "men are men" that just is allowing men to think it's ok to behave this way!!
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[08 Oct 2009|09:50am]
so im at home, but punched in at work.
whats the last stupid/ rebellious thing you done
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[08 Oct 2009|11:56am]
have you ever woken up to find that your hair has decided to do something you didn't expect? i think my hair has decided to be very curly because while it's always been wavy, right now it's like i have hermione granger hair
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[08 Oct 2009|01:52pm]
Show me something you really want to buy but can't afford right now.

Read more... )
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[08 Oct 2009|03:26pm]
I found some old pictures of when I was a kid, figured I'd share one of them with the world. under the cut is a picture of 4-year-old me and my favorite dog, Panda.

share your favorite pet photos!
Read more... )
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[08 Oct 2009|04:29pm]
what are some of your favorite vegetarian recipes?

& what are your favorite recipe websites?
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[08 Oct 2009|05:09pm]
How old were you when you had your first job?

I was 14.
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[08 Oct 2009|05:48pm]
so i have to you guys think this 2012 stuff is really going to happen?
and, if it doesnt -- people are still going to go insane, no? I mean look how people act when there is suppose to be a snow storm, yanno?...
17 comments|post comment

[08 Oct 2009|05:54pm]
Survey: The most annoying words/phrases in conversation‎

What words do you think are most annoying?
23 comments|post comment

[08 Oct 2009|06:13pm]
who else is stoked as fuck for tomorrow morning and nasa grabbing the moon by the balls?

no but really, this is pretty progressive on the space race front. i'm excited!
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[08 Oct 2009|07:15pm]
what's your favorite band? post your favorite song by them if you feel like it.
48 comments|post comment

[08 Oct 2009|08:35pm]
What is something local/exclusive to your hometown (or state, or country) that you wish they had everywhere?

I, for one, think it's a crime that Tastykakes and Wawas can't be found all over the world.

edit: also, what's something that can be found in other cities/states/countries that you wish you had? I want a goddamn In-N-Out Burger, just to see what all the hype is about.
52 comments|post comment

[08 Oct 2009|09:11pm]
I need your help, div! I just got an adorable 6 wk old puppy(female!) she's a shep/lab mix, and I am so stuck on a name. I asked my six year old god daughter and she tells me to name her Lady GaGa or Kai-Lan lmao. Help?
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[08 Oct 2009|10:26pm]
if you're taken/it's complicated/one sided, how old are you and how old are they?

it's sooo complicated and maybe even one sided (on my part haaa) between us, but i'm 18 and he's 24
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[08 Oct 2009|10:56pm]
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