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triangle proofs. [23 Sep 2009|12:17am]
If two sides are = or congruent, can't I conclude that their opposite angles will both be congruent to each other also? or vice versa, can't I see two congruent angles and conclude that their opposite sides will be congruent to each other?
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Passing this on from one of my LJ friend's journals! [23 Sep 2009|12:58am]
The Montgomery Township Pound in Belle Mead NJ is closing tomorrow, so if you've ever thought about getting a pet now is absolutely the time to act. All animals without a home will be euthanized after tomorrow!

You can adopt for free tomorrow between 12 And 4. Adopt a pet or please repost this to someone who can and save a life! 80 Dogs And 30 Cats!

This makes me so sad, I wish I could adopt them all!
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[23 Sep 2009|02:15am]
div, i've finally made my complete grocery list for healthier snacks! i haven't been able to stop wanting little bits of food every three or so hours, but my household is full of just...bad shit. i really don't wanna gain any more weight, so i'm going to stock up on my own good snack'ums!

only thing i'm worried about is everyone stealing my stuff to eat, too. i'm going to have to flag everything, which is going to suck, because i'll seem kinda selfish.

have any of you ever had experiences flagging your food from whoever you lived with?
how did it work out?
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for people with stretched ears [23 Sep 2009|06:43am]
Flare approx 1/16" larger than gauge
6g, 4g, and 2g approx 5/16" wearable between flares with overall 3/8" length
0g, 00g approx 3/8" wearable between flares with overall 1/2" length

what does that mean?
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Asylums [23 Sep 2009|08:13am]
Div, are there any asylums (communities, whatever) on IJ that are active and not RP? Anything at all.
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[23 Sep 2009|11:41am]
What would you do if you lost your notebook and those notes were pretty damn important for a paper?

I lost one of my notebooks, I think i might have accidentally threw it out when I cleaned my room (although how, I have no goddamn clue). All I know is that it's gone. I need the notes to write a paper due in two weeks, but I feel like an asshole if I ask someone / send out an email to the class requesting the notes up to this point :\
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[23 Sep 2009|12:28pm]
div.... im hungover....IM me: "highminds"
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cause my gen 4 ipod is about to kick it [23 Sep 2009|03:33pm]

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[23 Sep 2009|04:10pm]
my boyfriend and i are getting a rottweiler today. he's hellbent on naming it bruce, which isn't so bad, but i kind of want to have some more options to go through and get some creative ideas. most pets i've had got themselves some pretty sweet names. so my question is, what are some neat tough guy names?
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[23 Sep 2009|05:12pm]
what are your favorite somewhat healthy (or not!) foods to have in your dorm/apartment? i need ideas and there's a whole foods right down the street so i have easy access!

my ideas )
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[23 Sep 2009|05:16pm]
A while ago I found a book, Ghosts of North Texas, that I looked up because I have a friend at UNT and wondered if there were any ghosts there. Now I'm looking up ghost stories around Denton and then Houston and Spring. This one website has tons of places in Houston that are supposedly haunted (my favorite is the Jefferson Davis Hospital - and a number of bars lmfao. It also says my old high school is haunted? But I don't buy that one) so it's got me wondering. What're your favorite ghost stories, div? I love reading about this stuff and watching all the haunted shows. I'm thinking about doing a haunted bar crawl for my 21st birthday haha. Although I bet it'd be more fun in, say, New Orleans or something. I'll have to remember that idea when I post in here closer to December asking what to do for my bday :D
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[23 Sep 2009|06:23pm]
How badly are you feeling the recession where you live?

My government teacher was saying how theres 10% unemployment and that less people are attending events such as concerts, sports games, they're not going out and spending money as much as they use to.

Have you cut back on the things you enjoy doing because of the economy?
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[23 Sep 2009|08:42pm]
What do you do when you are patiently (haha yeah right) waiting for an event or something else to happen to get your mind occupied/make the time go faster?

I find out on Friday if I get to pledge the sorority I want to get into. I am driving myself bonkers waiting!
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last thing to unexpectantly make you cry like a baby?

mine: the lion king soundtrack. omfg i want to be little again.
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[23 Sep 2009|09:05pm]
If you were in an art appreciation class, and you had to do a "Creation" project where you had to create some sort of portrait, be it a self portrait or just a portrait of someone, what kind of creative ideas would you have for that?
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[23 Sep 2009|09:35pm]
so we did this exercise in my interpersonal communications class tonight and i thought it was just very interesting to hear everyone's opinion.
what it is, is a story about two lovers. we were then asked to rank everyone in the story on a scale of 1-5 where 5 is most despicable and 1 being least despicable. so i'm going to put the story behind a cut and if anyone wants to, rank the people! also tell me why you ranked everyone the way you did. it's a very short story.
Read more... )
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[23 Sep 2009|10:16pm]
have you ever gotten your eyebrows waxed?

how do you let them know what you want them to do with your eyebrows? like different arch or thickness or whatever people do with their eyebrows? do you bring a picture of what you want? :-/ sorry if these are stupid questions, but i've never gotten it done before and i'm considering it
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[23 Sep 2009|11:30pm]
Since I just got tagged in a bunch of crazy old pictures on facebook, and since Halloween is just over a month away

post pictures of you as a kid in a halloween costume! )
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