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stay classy, divierto

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[13 Sep 2009|12:08am]
where's a good place to get cute mac dock icons that wont wreck my shit if i download it?
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[13 Sep 2009|12:11am]
What are you listening to tonight, divierto?

Me: 'Santa Monica' by Savage Garden.
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FOOD [13 Sep 2009|12:41am]
really random but...

what are some snackfoods/random shippable foods that america has but canada doesnt?

ie we have ketchup chips but for some reason the US doesnt.
41 comments|post comment

Has anyone seen this?... [13 Sep 2009|05:07am]

I think it's hilarious.
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omg [13 Sep 2009|11:22am]
Today, I ordered wings from Pizza Hut and a pizza from Dominos. They came to the door at the same time. I tipped them both well for handling the situation maturely. They fist bumped and traded Parmesan cheese packets to confuse their next customers. MLIA.
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[13 Sep 2009|11:35am]
Div, what are your favorite computer games? I have a Mac if that matters. I just figured out how to play Treasure Mountain and Treasure Math Storm from when I was little on my Macbook, and now I want more games to play (newer games preferably, w/download links?)
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[13 Sep 2009|11:43am]
the kinks vs the beatles. thoughts?
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[13 Sep 2009|12:47pm]

A pound of coffee beans yields 50 cups of coffee (4 cups = 1 ). How many milliliters of coffee can be obtained from 1g of coffee beans?

divierto, how do i even go about doing this? all i know is there is 110g in 1 cup and 1.0657 quarts in 1 liter :-(
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[13 Sep 2009|01:22pm]
the magic bullet & the magic bullet express is my favorite appliance advertisement, ever. i've seen the ad a thousand time and i always watch it.
does anyone have the magic bullet/bullet express - does it/do they work?

ps: what's your favorite appliance/item-on-tv advertisement?
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[13 Sep 2009|01:48pm]
This question is so dorky, but what are Ray Toro's brother's names? I know one is Lou, but doesn't he have another brother?
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[13 Sep 2009|02:08pm]
what are some good websites for cheap international flights?

i'm on one right now, looking for a flight to spain, and i find ones that are roughly 350$ and then they charge me 500$ in taxes? what the hell is this nonsense.
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[13 Sep 2009|03:21pm]
LogoThere are
people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

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[13 Sep 2009|05:19pm]
i was thinking about communication class last week and we were talking about ethics and values.. and now i'm all curious and such. what does ethics/being ethical mean to you? what are your values or what makes someone else valuable?
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[13 Sep 2009|06:12pm]
could anyone here help me get started on making a style on scribbld please :(
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[13 Sep 2009|07:30pm]
if anyone's watching, don't forget about [info]2009vmas for the discussion! sorry if this isn't allowed :[
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[13 Sep 2009|07:55pm]
what was the last thing that boosted your ego, divierto?

we've gotten a few new hires at work and they spent some time talking to us and training. we're starting this new thing where we have them pick a mentor to help them around. they both picked me! i was really surprised.

ps - insurance companies can deny victims of domestic violence coverage as a "pre-existing condition." how lovely.
8 comments|post comment

[13 Sep 2009|08:16pm]
If you've ever skinned your knee so bad it resulted in a scar, does it kinda hurt if you kneel on it for too long? idk if this is normal because it's still a new scar or if it didn't heal properly.

everyone else, how was your day?
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[13 Sep 2009|08:19pm]
is it weird that sometimes I worry there are psychics around me who know the horrible things I think about? I told someone about my fear earlier and she laughed at me.

what are some of your weird quirks?
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just like last year [13 Sep 2009|09:14pm]
i made a vmas 2009 chat if you guys want to chat, it's easier than having to post entries. invite yoself to vmas 2009!
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[13 Sep 2009|10:16pm]
how long did it take you to realize you were in love, div?
51 comments|post comment

[ viewing | September 13th, 2009 ]
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