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stay classy, divierto

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[04 Sep 2009|12:40am]
one of my friends is getting married soon, and I've always made her mixes, so I wanted to do one with cute, romantic songs in honor of her big day.

so, div, what songs make you think of being in love?
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[04 Sep 2009|01:41am]

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[04 Sep 2009|09:04am]
have you ever hit an animal while driving? i hit a raccoon last night :( i also hit a deer two years ago.
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[04 Sep 2009|10:19am]
Would you spend ~150 dollars on this? I really want it but I am not sure I can justify spending that much on a purse. Its vegan, if that makes a difference.
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[04 Sep 2009|01:07pm]
I woke up this morning to find that one of my favorite musicians, Landon Pigg has a new video out for his song "Falling in Love at A Coffee Shop" (odds are you've heard the old version of the song, it's been in two commercials) and I was overjoyed. What's got YOU overjoyed today, div?

PS. Video = 'Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop' by Landon Pigg
'Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop' by Landon Pigg
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[04 Sep 2009|01:11pm]
so, div, who are some famous celebrities from your state and/or city?

mine: james dean, vivica a fox, greg kinnear, brendan fraser, steve mcqueen, the jackson family, jenna fischer, axl rose, and probably more i have to look up :\
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[04 Sep 2009|03:14pm]
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[04 Sep 2009|05:15pm]
I got a horizontal brow piercing today, and I love it!

Last spontaneous thing you did?
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[04 Sep 2009|05:28pm]
for those of us in school already... is anyone else feeling really detatched this semester? i feel like i'm already behind and yet i have no motivation at all. i'm never like this, i'm always so on top of everything, ugh.

and/or tell me your favorite class so far this semester. i want to hear good things!
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[04 Sep 2009|05:59pm]
if you could be on any reality or game show, which would you pick?
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[04 Sep 2009|06:17pm]
my friend canceled on me tonight and now i have no plans. i always feel embarrassed when my parents see me stay home on a friday night.

what do usually do to keep yourself busy when you're stuck at home?
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[04 Sep 2009|06:51pm]
my music collection is pathetic. i recently got a new computer and i've been lazy about dling more stuff than my usual. name some good stuff for a person who is an avid listener of: regina spektor, ryan adams, tegan and sara, nightmare of you, brand new, the fray... ect.
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[04 Sep 2009|07:36pm]
Has anyone ignored that "This is an attack site!" red page when downloading something? I keep getting that when i look at sites to buy rollercoaster tycoon only with downloading it. I want to ignore it because they don't even look like sketchy sites, but I'm paranoid.
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so cool haha [04 Sep 2009|07:39pm]
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An Australian study has found men find food more pleasurable than sex. [04 Sep 2009|08:01pm]

Ten-thousand Aussies were given a “pleasure quotient test,” which used a scale to determine the frequency and intensity of the stimulation derived from different activities. While eating was deemed the most pleasurable experience among males, “physical arousal” came in fourth, following “personal accomplishments” and “relaxing.” 

“From a Freudian perspective, it would be viewed as a man’s regression to childhood,” said psychologist David Haynes of food’s surprise win. “And the boys are being babies, treated by their mothers/wives.”

Or maybe it’s because food doesn’t mind if you are also watching television.


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[04 Sep 2009|09:04pm]
Does anyone here actually have a PC that has worked for a year straight without it crashing?

Mine crashed three times in the first few weeks I had the goddamned thing, and no matter how many times I've called tech support in the following year hasn't done dick about it! I swear to god, I wish they would have given me my money back that first week, because now I can barely give it away on craigslist for 1/4th of it's worth, and I would like to get a Mac instead. This bullshit seems to be neverending.

So basically. Mac vs. PC. Discuss. (With examples)
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[04 Sep 2009|09:41pm]
have any of you ever got written up/got in trouble at work? what was it for?

i got written up last week for insubordination. for talking back to a manager and refusing to go to the back of the room to talk to her fat ass quietly.
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[04 Sep 2009|10:49pm]
i hope this hasn't been posted!

it makes me want to go there right now and see what i can find...
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[04 Sep 2009|11:06pm]
so tonight at work this absolutely creepy guy made the finger pistol motion at my forehead and said "you're NOT being fucking helpful," i booked it to the other side of the store to approach my manager about it and he blew me off because he just ~wanted to go home.~ i was so fucking upset that i ended up breaking my toe shortly after.

the district manager is in tomorrow. i have never talked to him before aside from a quick greeting, but i really want to approach him and talk to him about what happened to let him know that my manager is NOT doing his job. i obviously need to do it discreetly, but how should i approach him?
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[04 Sep 2009|11:13pm]
so div,
lets talk about bootlegged movies,
what are your thoughts-
cheap and stupid?
life savers?
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[04 Sep 2009|11:54pm]
i'm going to carrabba's tomorrow for dinner and unfortunately they don't have a nutrition page that shows how many calories are in each meal. so for those of you who have eaten at carrabba's before, what do you think would be the best meal to get that wouldn't be crazy high in calories?
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