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stay classy, divierto

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[10 Aug 2009|02:58am]
I have an env2 but i don't have the internet or anything like that on my phone. Is there any way to get ringtones on my phone without having to pay for them? I checked the resource posts and they showed where you can make your own but i dont want to go through that without actually being able to send the ringtone to my phone and download it. so basically, is there any good site to dl free ringtones and without having the internet on my phone is there anyway that i could actually download a ringtone?

for everyone else, what's your default ringtone?
13 comments|post comment

[10 Aug 2009|04:04am]
hey, div! do you have tattoos? if so, how many? and show me if you've got pics!

i just got this one yesterday, i'm pretty excited over it. )
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[10 Aug 2009|07:56am]
billy may's using drugs. tsktsk
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[10 Aug 2009|11:58am]
Do you have any new (to you) songs you heard recently that you really liked? Post a youtube link if you can. :)

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[10 Aug 2009|12:55pm]
I'm sure this has already been asked, but has anyone else's AIM been fucking up recently? My linked screen names will not load and it's pissing me off to the point of my eyeball possibly popping out like Mr. Demartino, here. I'm using the latest version of AIM, if that's any help.
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[10 Aug 2009|01:13pm]
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[10 Aug 2009|02:09pm]

basically i want a sn that says i am an owl or baby owl because that's my nickname amongst my friends. (if you really want to know why: i have bright green eyes and dark circles, it's actually an insult, but yeah, kind of cute.) ANYWAY, what is a clever way to say "jen's an owl"? any ideas?
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[10 Aug 2009|02:17pm]
Good afternoon, [info]divierto! I know these questions are going to be popping up everywhere, but my mom is on my case and I really don't know the answer. What do you suggest to bring to college? I'm living with one roommate in a regular dorm, and I have the basics like sheets, towels, etc. But what kinds of things did you find really helpful?
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[10 Aug 2009|02:44pm]
office max currently has spiral bound one subject notebooks on sale for 1 cent with a limit of 3 per customer, and there are a ton of other cheap school supplies.

target has cheap supplies too, and i am willing to bet wal*mart does as well!

if you have some extra cash, stop by and grab some and send them to your local school supply charity group if you can. you'll really be helping out the kids and the teachers.
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[10 Aug 2009|02:52pm]
what was the last movie you saw that you thought was BRILLIANT?

for me, it was hard candy. i can't believe i've waited this long to see it.

also, anyone wanna suggest any netflix movies for me? i like all genres. :]
29 comments|post comment

[10 Aug 2009|03:12pm]

i just thought of you, divierto.
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[10 Aug 2009|03:26pm]
honestly: how many people are there that would you willing give up your life for?
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[10 Aug 2009|03:40pm]
Sleeping bag - how essential do you find this item?

I'm going through my stuff and seeing what I want to take with me to school. I have a few friends who think it's the best thing ever that they've brought along and others said it was pointless.

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[10 Aug 2009|07:30pm]
talk to me and tell me what's on your mind
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[10 Aug 2009|08:59pm]
whats the best way to sell used college textbooks??
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[10 Aug 2009|09:26pm]
tell me some good news...i'll start:

i have a job interview tomorrow!

21 comments|post comment

itt websites, post some [10 Aug 2009|10:05pm]
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[10 Aug 2009|10:20pm]

I laughed so hard at this I started crying. And I don't know why! rofl
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[10 Aug 2009|10:38pm]
what do you do when you have to face things you're upset with / you're in a rut / you're unhappy with your life and don't really know how exactly to change it for the better?
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[ viewing | August 10th, 2009 ]
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