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stay classy, divierto

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[07 Aug 2009|12:00am]
lets write something bad thats happened to us recently, and then post something that is funny afterwards, in hope that it will make everyone feel slightly better.

or if nothing bad post something funny anyways. jokes/pictures/stories anything at all.

i had to come home from vacation early and am having probably the worst few days of my whole life.

something amusing )
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[07 Aug 2009|12:06am]
what's something you have done that you are pleased or proud of recently? even the smallest of accomplishments!

i started knitting hats for my etsy shop today and i'm really happy with my most recent painting even though it obviously has a lot of work to go
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[07 Aug 2009|12:08am]
Ladies - do you give yourself breast exams? If so, how often?

Guys (all three of them or whatever) can answer this too if they check themselves for testicular cancer.
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[07 Aug 2009|12:16am]
does anyone know if old navy still has their shorts out in the stores?
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[07 Aug 2009|12:39am]
How do you pronounce Rorschach's name? I can't get it right. And I feel like an idiot.

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I know I just posted but I'm genuinely sad about this [07 Aug 2009|01:31am]
RIP John Hughes. :(

Favorite John Hughes movie aaaaand go.
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[07 Aug 2009|03:00am]
ive totally posted about this before, but post your favorite lip syncing videos!!!

they never get old
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[07 Aug 2009|11:04am]

Hacker attack shuts Twitter
Staff and wire reports

NEW YORK — A hacker attack Thursday shut down the fast-growing messaging service Twitter for hours, while Facebook experienced intermittent access problems.

Twitter said in its status blog Thursday morning it was “defending against a denial-of-service attack,” in which hackers command scores of computers to a single site at the same time, preventing legitimate traffic from getting through.

The fact that a relatively common attack could disable such a well-known Web site shows just how young and vulnerable Twitter still is, even as it quickly becomes a household name used by celebrities, large corporations, small businesses and even protesters in Iran.

“Clearly they need a stronger infrastructure to be able to fight this kind of attack,” said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at computer security firm Sophos. Twitter’s tech support teams, he added, “must be frankly out of breath” trying to keep up with the site’s enormous growth.

The Twitter outage began at about 9 a.m. EDT and lasted a few hours. It prevented companies like Trucksville-based internet marketing firm Solid Cactus from sending marketing messages.

"I wasn’t able to log in, it’s been very slow," said Interactive Marketing Specialist Donna Talarico.

Talarico said Solid Cactus sends messages to promote its products and services, with many recipients helping to spread the word. "People will re-tweet” to their contacts, she said.

Solid Cactus also manages Twitter for clients, so "that kind of put a wrench in their day, too," Talarico said.

Facebook, whose users encountered intermittent problems Thursday morning, was also the subject of a denial-of-service attack, though it was not known whether the same hackers were involved. Unlike Twitter, Facebook never became completely inaccessible. Facebook said no user information was at risk.
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[07 Aug 2009|11:33am]
Hey Div, I need your advice

My boyfriend/fiance bought himself this ring from Bulgari about a year ago as a present to himself for getting onto a surgical program, and it really meant a lot to him that he could buy it. It's pretty expensive, about $1,000+ and he really, really loved it.

About two weeks ago he apparently lost it and I've torn our house to pieces looking for it to no avail.

So, here's my question. I am getting a fairly large tax return this year, which I did plan to pay off my credit card with but now I'm thinking - should I buy him the exact same ring? Or a different ring altogether?
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[07 Aug 2009|12:31pm]

All across the country, right-wing extremists are disrupting congressional town-hall meetings with venomous attacks on President Obama's plans for health care and clean energy.

* Last night in Tampa, Florida, a town hall meeting erupted into violence, with the police being called to break up fist fights and shoving matches.1
* A Texas Democrat was shouted down by right-wing hecklers, many of whom admitted they didn't even live in his district.2
* One North Carolina representative announced he wouldn't be holding any town-hall meetings after his office began receiving death threats.3
* And in Maryland, protesters hung a Democratic congressman in effigy to oppose health-care reform.

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[07 Aug 2009|01:06pm]
Do you buy the food at 711 (or anything like 711, if you don't have one)? Like, the sandwiches and fruit, that kind of stuff. If so, do you feel embarrassed?

I hate ordering from places. I guess I have some form of mild social anxiety with how I act concerning situations involving people. I would rather just grab something and have the person ring me up rather than telling someone what I want. So I go to 7-11 every so often when I'm at work so I don't have to go order anything. I always feel so stupid because there are plenty of other places around I could easily get better food from, but I choose to go there. I feel like the other customers and employees are probably thinking "wtf is she buying food from here for?"
13 comments|post comment

help me div [07 Aug 2009|01:34pm]
i'm trying to buy tickets for this show in november, they go through livenation BUT i've always been able to buy tickets at ticketmaster and lmao this morning the lady at ticketmaster, who was obviously new, refused to sell me tickets because she said she couldn't (this was after bringing the event up on her computer and everything) because they do go through livenation which makes no sense to me

anyway, i'm probably just going to order online but i don't have a debit card. would one of those refillable visa/mastercards work? anyone know?
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homework blows [07 Aug 2009|03:35pm]
i need to ask a few questions for a project i have. you don't have to explain anything if you don't want to, you can just say yes or no. they're random and simple, i just need about 30-40 responses.

pets: yes or no
fast food: yes or no
recycling: yes or no
motorcycles: yes or no
car pooling: yes or no
abortion: yes or no
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[07 Aug 2009|04:30pm]
dear div, the adorable cute boy that gives me all kinds of flutters in my tummy wants to have a picnic dinner on the beach sometime this week! what would you suggest to bring on a picnic thats easy to pick up/delicious. please & thank you. eta: i am also completely gluten free, but i can make most recipes gluten free if i need to

on another note tell me something that makes you happy, because this is sure as hell making me happy. :]
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[07 Aug 2009|06:38pm]
where can i get a memory card (formatted media card?) for the blackberry curve 8330? how much are they generally?

thanks in advance!
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[07 Aug 2009|07:40pm]
If you had to make a themed mix cd, what sort of themes would you aim for? And not just your fave songs. Sleepy soundtracks, soundtrack to your summer, lyrical heartbreak, etc.
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[07 Aug 2009|08:47pm]
idk if this is against the rules or whatever:
but i am is desperate need of The Lonely Islands CD- Incredibad.
i already tried iTuned, and nobodys replied yet.
sooooo someone help me out pleaseeee.
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[07 Aug 2009|08:49pm]
i want to watch a cheesy romantic comedy tonight. give me your suggestions!
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[07 Aug 2009|09:02pm]
pros/cons of anal sex? (no seriously. i'm deciding if i should try it with my boyfriend. he wants to but yeah... i'm scared. help.)
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[07 Aug 2009|10:48pm]
2 things div.
1. the nail on my pinky toe just fell off. it hurts like a bitch and is bleeding anywhere.
2. i totally thought about what would happen if a small insect found that nail and made a boat to survive the weird red ocean that is now taking over his town.

okay really it was 3 things

3. i need more people to talk to on aim who enjoy this kind of randomness. ADD MEH!BULLETandBULLEYE
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[07 Aug 2009|11:19pm]
does anyone actually believe that having dreams is like... physic stuff?
like a phycological thing. you can see things that have or might happen in your dreams...?
cuz i've been having these terrible nightmares that my dad is killing himself...
and we havent talked in a few months, but i really dont want to break our silence because i'm still pretty upset with him and what he did...

what do you think?
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[07 Aug 2009|11:28pm]
For those who have extra usernames, what do you use them for? I just registered a un that I really like but I have no idea what to use it for so I'm looking for suggestions!
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[07 Aug 2009|11:51pm]
, divierto.

so what's everyone's plans for the weekend?!
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