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stay classy, divierto

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[27 Jul 2009|01:47am]
hey guys whats up I haven't been on divierto in a while except for last night after it exploded.

tonight I am making a point of going to bed before 5am. this late night business is not going to work for me.

but I'm bored so what are you guys doing?
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[27 Jul 2009|02:07am]
guys, help.

i'm making my boyfriend a notebook full of memories, pictures, quotes, lyrics, random poems, and just random things that remind me of him, or explain how i feel about him, including my own words.

do you think it would be a cute idea to make a mix cd that includes the songs i used? i didn't use ALL the lyrics for some of the songs ( editing for rooms sake ). yes/no? some of the songs are country, aka stuff he doesn't listen to...but i think he might enjoy it none the less.
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[27 Jul 2009|02:50am]

post something that makes you laugh
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[27 Jul 2009|04:15am]
have you ever done a google search for your own name and found something really odd or embarassing? what was it?

i just found some petition about an nsync dvd that i apparently signed in 2002... lmao wtf
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[27 Jul 2009|08:20am]
so i might get a matching tattoo with my best friend, my sister, and our other friend, but we aren't really sure what to get yet. what are some cute matching tattoo ideas?

and to make this a little less pointless, show off your tattoos!
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[27 Jul 2009|10:50am]
I'm two seconds from pulling my hair out. I want to work at restaurant as a waitress or hostess but I can't without experience (every job i have applied for has said this wtf).

Have you worked at a restaurant without experience? How'd you get the job? And where was it?
Should I just lie about my experience? And even if I did, how would I go about it?
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[27 Jul 2009|11:34am]
We've been getting crazy rain here lately. So what sort of stuck-indoor-all-day fun might you suggest for either solitary days or hangout days ruined by rain?
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[27 Jul 2009|11:58am]
does anyone know of any good image editing programs for macs? i used photofiltre when i had windows but there isn't a version for mac, i tried seashore but it sucks and doesn't do what i want. i do pretty simple stuff--sharpening, resizing to make icons (iphoto doesn't do 100x100), etc so i just want something that does that and it basic/not confusing. thanks.
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[27 Jul 2009|12:54pm]
for you that have donated blood before.... how tired did it make you that day? i know when our school had blood drives, people missed track practice but idk if it was just an excuse
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[27 Jul 2009|12:56pm]
Anyone into Wrestling? I'm kind of a newbie to it, been watching since April.
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[27 Jul 2009|12:57pm]

So I was going through my GMail account today and reading all my old comments and stuff from ~divierto back on GJ and I remembered how much I loved this place back in the day :)

So now that I am at university doing Medicine I have lots of down time.

Do any of you remember me? I was ~tokyosubway and from what I've read, I was rather annoying.
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[27 Jul 2009|01:13pm]
show me your funniest pictures from!

mine )
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[27 Jul 2009|01:20pm]
When you're making a mix for someone, how do you put the songs in order? I make it a game for myself, lmao, and put them in order according to song title. I try to make little paragraphs or something out of them, if that makes sense. After I do that, I listen to the mix and see if the songs mesh well together. If not I do it again until it does. Time consuming but amusing and fun.

And so this isn't completely irrelevant, what kind of gel/hair spray/daily product do you use in your hair? When I wear my hair curly I normally use Redkin's force 23 hairspray so it doesn't get all frizzzzzy
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[27 Jul 2009|01:43pm]
why are you so awesome
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[27 Jul 2009|04:03pm]
where do you guys put your purses (assuming you have more than 1) and belts (ditto) in your dorm rooms?
specific problems... )
thanks in advance for creative ideas ;)
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[27 Jul 2009|05:32pm]
I have an interview with an internship soon, so I was wondering if any of you can tell me of your experiences with them?

If you haven't had any experiences tell me about an internship you'd love to snag! Or your dream job!
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[27 Jul 2009|06:00pm]
mcdonalds ice grosses me out, i don't know why... anyone agree? or what's something completely random that grosses you out/turns you off
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[27 Jul 2009|06:51pm]
Hello my tasties. So, I had some time on my hands, was listening to a sleu of love songs, and decided you know what? It's about time I started writing something for a new [info]cryzombie game. So here we are.

And I'm looking for 13 TWO MORE players.

Don't know what [info]cryzombie is? Ever heard of the game Cry Wolf, or its more popular version, Mafia? No? Well, you should read the rules. We had one very successful game back in February, and I think a little chaos is exactly what everyone needs for the summer. If you've never played before and the rules aren't doing it for you, I've made the first night and the second day public for you to get the gist of what goes on in the game. I also made the filtered post public so that the three lucky zombies werewolves of this game can see how they work together.

AND THAT. Is about all I can say. If you're interested, go sign up HERE and the game will begin once we've got 13 TWO MORE players.

Once you do sign up, I'll be friending your journal with [info]cryzombie so you can read the game. You'll be able to read the entirety of the past game if you want to, just use the memories. If you don't want to play, but you'd like to watch, just leave a comment saying you want to be a spectator, and I'll friend you back.

ALSO, if you were a part of the last game, you can come play this one too! The stories have absolutely nothing to do with each other, so don't worry, you're not still dead.
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[27 Jul 2009|08:26pm]
How do you deal with mourning? My ex girlfriend of three years passed away this morning.
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[27 Jul 2009|10:59pm]
does anyone know any good jokes?
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