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stay classy, divierto

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[26 Jul 2009|12:18am]
This year I was going through I guess a rough patch and was acting weird, and while my other friends were worried about my mannerisms this girl who I was BEST friends with was downright annoyed by them and then suddenly wanted nothing to do with me. I learned about this the other day and I still feel very, very hurt that someone who I was so close to was trying to ditch me when I needed her most. I understand that she obviously isn't the friend I thought she was and I won't have to worry about her in a month, but I'm still really upset. How do you get over people like that?
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[26 Jul 2009|12:21am]
how often do you and your s/o annoy / get into tiffs with each other?
once a month? once a week? once a day? and do you feel it's normal or it hurts your relationship
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[26 Jul 2009|01:01am]
have any of you been to the wax museum in new york? (or any of them, i guess) was it worth the price? it seems pretty cool, but i don't wanna be disappointed either. tell me about your visits if you've been!
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[26 Jul 2009|01:14am]
Speaking of my graduation brunch, what should I wear? (Outfit suggestions) It's a bunch of 60 and 70 year olds who will be attending, so I obviously have to be decent.
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[26 Jul 2009|01:49am]
hay div, i'm a redhead now. tell me what you thaaaank.

my new name is misty. )
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[26 Jul 2009|02:08am]
I'm treasurer of my sorority and I'm supposed to buy us a video game console. Wooo, awesome... except I've only ever played rock band and old school duck hunt.

Recommendations? And games to go with it, please!
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[26 Jul 2009|02:22am]
Thoughts about creepers on the internet?
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[26 Jul 2009|02:26am]
so i'm trying to get a job sort of but every place that has an application asks for previous experience (of which i have none) and references. if it's a restaurant or something that i'm trying to work at, what kind of people should i have for references? also, how should i ask people for applications/if they're hiring? i'm about to be 16 if dat helps!
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[26 Jul 2009|02:52am]
goodnight everyone, it's late and i'm tired.
i'm going to go do some coke, knit some jackets, play with my cats.
then wake up, and post about how much i hate drugs, shoplifting and hipsters, while i drink my black coffee and scoff at people on the interwebs, while bragging about being jumped/mugged (it's the same thing right?)

how's that for passive agressive?
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[26 Jul 2009|03:06am]
i'm thinking about driving away all of my friends. how should i do this?
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[26 Jul 2009|08:11am]
why are you up right now?
I took pain meds for my cramps and slept like a baby for 10 hours straight.

also, is anyone on birth control with no insurance? how much does it cost per month?

and and and what communities do you follow/lurk/post on livejournal?
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[26 Jul 2009|10:52am]
What are your opinions on touch screen phones? Do you have one, and if so which one?

What do you think of them? Do you like phones with qwerties better?
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[26 Jul 2009|10:54am]
My macbook's screen just went black for no reason, although it was still running. I kept pressing the power button, but it wouldn't fix it, so I took out the battery for a few minutes before turning it on again. It's fine now, but it got me worried - anyone know what went wrong?

It's the newest model, if that makes a difference - the aluminum one.
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[26 Jul 2009|11:18am]
nvm div he's a douche

NEW QUESTION: what's your choice best comfort food for when your ego takes a serious blow?
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[26 Jul 2009|12:30pm]
as I'm sure a good amount of you know, I volunteer at a camp for children with cancer and their siblings. this year is our 20th anniversary and prom (which we have every 5 years). instead of buying a bunch of makeup I was thinking about emailing some places to see if they wanted to donate. has anyone done anything like this before? how would I go about it? or suggest places that might be good to contact about donating!
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[26 Jul 2009|01:15pm]
okay divierto, fuck that guy i was supposed to go out with earlier and who gave me the wrong number and who i'm now totally mad at. new date with a new boy in six hours! (look at that rebound rate, isn't that impressive?)

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please accept [info]breakblossom! [26 Jul 2009|02:06pm]
has anyone ever worked at target?
experiences/did you like it?
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[26 Jul 2009|02:50pm]
has anyone here ever taken biotin? which brand did you take? did you really see an improvement, does it really work?
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[26 Jul 2009|02:53pm]
How do you feel about driving? Like it, hate it? Not even doing it?
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[26 Jul 2009|04:37pm]
last crazy thing you saw?

coming back from the orange county fair last night, i was driving like 80 and some car zoomed past me. they had to have been going 130 because they were seriously there and gone in like 2 seconds and i've driven 100 before and i KNOW it was waaaaaaaaaaaay faster than that. so i see them up ahead lose control, slam into the divider and then just drive off to the nearest exit. HOW ARE THEY ALIVE?! AND HOW DID THEY JUST DRIVE OFF LIKE THAT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED? i was / am soooo confused! and thankful that there were not more cars on the road even though it was a saturday night on a popular orange county freeway
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[26 Jul 2009|04:56pm]

this is pretty incredible.

what's something cool you've found on the magical world of the interwebz recently?
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[26 Jul 2009|05:31pm]
where i live we don't have a panera bread. i'm visiting my bff and they have one here, but i would have no idea what to get. what's your favorite thing to get at panera bread, div?
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i'm a nut for the cleaner i'm sorry :( [26 Jul 2009|08:59pm]
okay so, guys, amy price-francis is my favorite actress ever. i recently found her middle name (i googled for awhile..) and am really happy...but i feel like a creeper, when i mean no harm lol.

how old d'you think she is? there's no age or year anywhere for her on google or anything and those people database sites cost money, which i do not have.
pps: yes linked picture is a screencap from a season 2 ep...she's just so adorable, okay?
..back to my original question:

is it bad/normal/weird that i feel guilty for googling her? have you guys ever felt like this about googling a celeb or something?

EDIT! Are there any websites that give you peoples' info FOR FREE? I can't deal with any search-find-your-results-and-if-you-want-the-whole-thing-you-have-to-order-it-online BS. Honest.
11 comments|post comment

[26 Jul 2009|10:43pm]
have any of you ever completely bullshitted a paper before? what was the paper on and what grade did you receive?

i had to read various articles about the book that was assigned to us and find a statement to argue against and write a paper about it. not only did i totally NOT understand the book, i didn't understand any of the articles as well so i just took a statement and wrote whatever the hell i could think of. i'm absolutely terrified to hand it in tomorrow but there's no way i'm going to be able to really sit down and write a good paper and a shitty grade is better then no grade.
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[26 Jul 2009|10:55pm]
Has anyone ever had a lucid dream? What was it like?

And what were you dreaming about at the time? Describe as much as you can.
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