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stay classy, divierto

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[22 Jul 2009|12:33am]
For any of you who have or had the Remmington wet to straight flat iron, did it make your hair more frizzy in the long run? I've been seeing that on some reviews and I was planning on getting it.

Also, what serum do you use when you flat iron / curl / blow dry your hair?
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unwanted [22 Jul 2009|01:03am]
Posted on FMyLife:

"Today, I was taking a shower when my boyfriend suddenly hopped in with me. We were getting a little frisky when my mom's hand unexpectedly came through the curtain, and dropped a condom in the bottom of the shower, all the while saying, "Keep it safe kids!". FML"

This just reminds me of:
Bad Touch )
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[22 Jul 2009|10:03am]
Do any of you remember watching Vice Versa alot on TV when you were younger? I thought about it earlier for some reason, haha. What are your favorite movies from your younger days (minus Disney/cartoon movies)?
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[22 Jul 2009|11:34am]
Has anyone here worked at Subways before? share your experience pleaseee
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[22 Jul 2009|11:37am]
I'm going out to buy a laptop tomorrow. I won't be getting a Mac. I just want something that has a lot of space and goes fast enough. Any suggestions?
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[22 Jul 2009|11:45am]
so i'm going to try and start up a dog walking service in my apartment complex because i can't get a dog of my own and i can't seem to get a normal job. also, if i walk the dogs here the poop will actually get picked up for once. what do you think is a decent/reasonable hourly rate?
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[22 Jul 2009|12:56pm]

how many did you get?
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brb, jizzing in my pants [22 Jul 2009|01:08pm]

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[22 Jul 2009|03:19pm]
if you were wearing a shirt like this what sort of pants would you wear? :[ also just for fun, how would you do your makeup? i'm putting together an outfit for tomorrow because i'm hanging out with my boyfriend. please help!!!
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[22 Jul 2009|04:52pm]
i've been waiting since sunday to post this to you guys. i hope it hasn't been posted before. i hope people find it as funny as i did, b/c i cried a little bit... p.s. - it's not fake b/c i originally saw it on noggin and then found it on youtube

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[22 Jul 2009|05:32pm]
haha sex question and a porn story )
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[22 Jul 2009|06:45pm]
Is there anywhere you know that I could find a knock-off/bag similar to this?
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[22 Jul 2009|07:10pm]
what are some websites where i can upload a picture of me and try out different hair cuts? preferably one that doesn't show my choice to everyone, if that makes sense?
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[22 Jul 2009|08:47pm]
how much money do you have in your bank account, div? i have 84 cents LOL tg i get paid tomorrow :)
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[22 Jul 2009|09:17pm]
has anyone here ever attend or know anyone that attended california state university in long beach? did they like it? how is the area in long beach?
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more of a discussion than a vent and i didn't know where to put this lmao :-\ [22 Jul 2009|09:33pm]
a discussion for all the roleplayers on ij who look at this community )
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[22 Jul 2009|09:34pm]
Dear [info]divierto,

I just got a macbook and skipped out on purchasing Microsoft Office thinking "I'll be able to find it online for free!" but so far my search has been unsuccessful! So, does anyone know where I'd able to download it?
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[22 Jul 2009|11:52pm]
How old are your pets?

My dog is eight and my rabbit is going to be one in a month. My parents keep making comments about how our dog is 'getting old' and omfg, no she is not!
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