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stay classy, divierto

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[21 Jul 2009|12:37am]
is anyone selling an iphone :-(

whats your dream phone
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[21 Jul 2009|01:35am]
Vegetarians of div, what are your favorite vegetarian side dishes or hors d'oeuvres? I'm going to a picnic next month hosted by a couple of vegetarians and just in case they ask us to bring a dish, I want to bring something yummy. I'm thinking of making cucumber sandwiches, maybe, but I want some other suggestions just in case.
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[21 Jul 2009|03:37am]
If I was a girl, I would get pregnant as many times as possible, then have abortions after the third month of being pregnant, so I would deliver a potato sized 1/3 developed dead fetus. Then I would take the fetus, put it in a jar of preservation liquid and put it on a shelf in a secret room in my house. And I would do it until I had so many the rooms walls were nothing but potato sized aborted fetuses. Then I would have a kid and when they're bad, I would make them sit in the fetus room and remind them of how easily I could have aborted their ass.

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[21 Jul 2009|08:19am]
let's have a .gif party )
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[21 Jul 2009|11:04am]
morning divierto

my boyfriends grandmother died this morning, and i dont know what to do.

A. as a girlfriend, what my place is. like, do i go to the wake and funeral with him, i never met her, but if he needs me there...?
B. how to cheer him up, he lost his job a few weeks ago, and his car essentially imploded, and im going to college late aug. its been a bad summer.
C. our 11 month anniversary (i know, pointless, but we celebrate everything) is in two days, so should i just postpone that?
D. his birthday is in two weeks and im planning a surprise party for him...anything i shouldnt do?

thanks so much you guys
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[21 Jul 2009|12:03pm]
LOL really!?

Your thoughts? I think it's hilarious, and kind of gross. Who would want to touch that laptop after a description like that?
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[21 Jul 2009|01:56pm]
same name via facebook search = wedding?


i find this to just be.. awkward to say the least.
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[21 Jul 2009|04:41pm]'s your tuesday been div?
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[21 Jul 2009|04:46pm]
I'm going to a Celebrity Lookalike Night!

Who should I go as? )

Who would you go as?
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[21 Jul 2009|08:00pm]
what are other journal websites besides ij lj dj and adult blogs?
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[21 Jul 2009|08:36pm]
Your favourite places to buy bras/panties/lingerie online? Offline?

Also, how have your experiences been with ordering online? I'm kind of hesitant if things don't fit and all that, but I have a serious need of this stuff right now and there aren't many stores around me that sell that stuff.
12 comments|post comment

united states of eurasia [21 Jul 2009|10:03pm]

two thumbs up for me. it's crazy and over the top, but i get what they're going for. it sounds like some grand, epically patriotic national anthem for Our Honorable Chairman lmao.

...Chairman Lmao. oh goodness.
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[21 Jul 2009|10:12pm]
what are the different ways you wear your hair? I usually wear it back with a headband or straighten it. I'm a little tired of being stuck with the same ol' styles and it gets super hot in the summer with a flat iron.

so what different ways do you do your hair?
pictures if you have any :)
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[21 Jul 2009|11:48pm]
anyone been scammed on craigslist before?

i almost just walked right into one. and a friend of mine almost did, too, but she reported it to the police. hers was a money order scam.
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