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college scrapbook [19 Jul 2009|12:21am]
so im starting college in the fall, and im wondering, should i start a scrapbook, collecting things and what have you?

my mom did one for all of her four years and it turned out awesome, and hilariously early 80s. though honestly, more of a crazy, glorified photo album.

would it be worth it or will i be so bogged down with schoolwork my first semester to not have any time to work on it?
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[19 Jul 2009|01:14am]
Post an awkward moment you've had recently.

I'm sitting here talking to the guy I'm interested in about chips. Because I brought up the possibility of us dating before, and we haven't actually talked about it yet, so now we're awkwardly talking about chips. Good times.
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[19 Jul 2009|01:25am]

*ps it is my brother's birthday, not yours. idk when div's birthday is but i'm ddrunk so let's talk plz plz plz :[
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[19 Jul 2009|01:49am]
Okay so Friday I went to a theme park and walked around all day and woke up with shin splints in both of my legs today. I've tried looking online for treatment and there are a lot of options. For those of you who have had them, how have you sped up recovery and alleviated the pain? It's so uncomfortable and I'm dying to make it stop. Thanks in advance!
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it's [info]novelist, if you're interested. [19 Jul 2009|02:54am]
So, does anyone here keep a writing journal? I just started one up, and I'm looking for other writing journals to add. Mainly to give me the kick in the ass I need to get past the plotting/world-building phase of my novel.
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[19 Jul 2009|02:02pm]
baby eaten alive by rats... :(
Read more... )
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[19 Jul 2009|05:05pm]
today, my boyfriend and his family bought me a macbook and an ipod touch as a late graduation present, then his family proceeded to tell me that they really loved me and how i was the best girlfriend that they could have imagined for their son/brother.
me and my boyfriend are breaking up when he leaves for college, and yet somehow i still feel loved.

share some bittersweet moments, div?
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[19 Jul 2009|06:24pm]
have any of you ever bought a camera on ebay? if it said new, was it actually new? i know obviously you never really know what you're getting and every experience is different, but i'm just curious about any stories and whatnot.

or, where's a good place to find a camera at a good price? i've looked around a few stores/websites but i'm not sure if there's something better i'm missing. i'm looking for the nikon d80 if that makes a difference. i know it'll be expensive, but even a little cheaper would help a lot. any suggestions would be great, thanks guys! :)
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[19 Jul 2009|06:26pm]
favorite band/artist right now, [info]divierto?
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[19 Jul 2009|06:52pm]
I'm teaching a Creative Writing workshop for four days in August. I want to go over Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Poetry. I've got a pretty good handle on the first two, but I know NOTHING about writing poetry. Direct me to some links? Give me some pointers? I will love you forever.

AND post your favorite poems!

my professor! )
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[19 Jul 2009|07:13pm]
what do you do in a situation where you know you just can't win but you can't just let it go?
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[19 Jul 2009|08:16pm]
i really want some shells and cheese div. whats the last thing you ate? i had beans and a boca burger
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[19 Jul 2009|08:45pm]
How often do you order things online with your debit card? Have you ever had any problems with it?

I've only ever used visa gift cards to order things online, so just making my first purchase with my debit card has me a bit nervous.
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[19 Jul 2009|11:33pm]
What is something that grosses/freaks you out? Worms. Like, really? God needed to make these legless faceless things to pop out of the ground and gross the shit out of me?
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[19 Jul 2009|11:55pm]
promote a petition or something.

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