stay classy, divierto's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
stay classy, divierto

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[18 Jul 2009|01:16pm]
are any of you in therapy or have been before? tell me your experiences.
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[18 Jul 2009|02:29pm]
What has you excited, Div?!

I just handed in an application for an apartment today!
35 comments|post comment

[18 Jul 2009|08:02pm]
tell me your favorite albums? mine is the ugly organ by cursive hence my creepy icons :\ lmao
30 comments|post comment

[18 Jul 2009|10:50pm]
I'm bored. Someone talk to me!
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[18 Jul 2009|11:06pm]
i recently broke my foot and can't do any exercise that put stress on my feet. what are some good exercises that you suggest i can do for that?

ooor favorite exercise?
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[18 Jul 2009|11:30pm]
tell me some creeper stories!!!!!!

today i went up to my job to bring my coworkers food since im such a nice person yanno, and this guy who used to be a regular was there. i havent seen him in months, and when i walked in i said hi since obviously i knew who he was. but i wasn't working so i went and sat down and he kept looking at me... then one of the kids that was working finally went to take his order. this is the whole conversation:

aaron: hey man sorry about that wait, what can i get for you today?
creeper: i want a coffee, a super mocha caramel, and her phone number
me: ............
aaron: haahahahah i dont have that! but your total is blahblah

so then i was waiting around for them to be done making drinks and when he was leaving:

creeper: byeeee beautiful!
me: hahaha bye!!
creeper: oh if only i wasn't married :/ :/ :/ :/

i hate my life sometimes, div
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[ viewing | July 18th, 2009 ]
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