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[15 Jul 2009|12:45am]
Can I get opinions on my new website layout?

The links are next to explosion} And I know it doesn't look great in Firefox.
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[15 Jul 2009|01:35am]
Okay, so I am a complete idiot and accidentally wrote over a custom style I did. I didn't save the one I wrote over anywhere else, so it's completely gone as far as I know. Does anyone have ANY ideas how to get it back? It's really, really important and I feel like the biggest idiot in the entire universe for both writing over it and not saving it anywhere else. PLEASE if anyone can help, I'll be indebted to you forever and ever.
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Sorry non HP fans of div [15 Jul 2009|03:38am]

Or wait until you wake up.

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I haven't posted in here in ages [15 Jul 2009|09:49am]
This morning, on my way into my first class (at the ungodly hour of 8am) and saw what I thought to be the world's greatest bumper sticker.

C'mon Div, can you top this? )
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[15 Jul 2009|09:59am]
have any of you guys been to exchange city? it was a field trip (in middle school) where they gave you jobs and you had to experience job like settings/situations? i worked in radio station, collecting money
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Concerts and Shows. [15 Jul 2009|11:22am]
I am going to see Metric in September. I'm pretty stoked. I'm also seeing the Tragically Hip and Sam Roberts at the end of July.

What band do you really want to see live? And what band have you seen live that was your favorite or most memorable?
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[15 Jul 2009|12:55pm]
what's your favorite song currently on the radio?

i absolutely LOVE i've got a feeling by the black eyed peas. it makes me happeh :)
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idk why i always post in 3s [15 Jul 2009|03:03pm]
I'm trying to make a really awesome 80's playlist. Recommend your favorite 80's jams?

Do you know what you're going to be for Halloween this year?
Post pictures of what you were last year, if you have some!

Share you music/band tattoos and the stories behind them?
I'm looking for some inspiration. :)
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[15 Jul 2009|03:37pm]
so i have an old piano and i've been given the job of finding a school in the area to donate it to. how would i best go about doing this? do you think i should call the district or call schools individually? (like to find out who wants it) i also have to get this done in the next two weeks, if that makes any difference. help?
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[15 Jul 2009|04:10pm]
Have any of you seen this yet?

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[15 Jul 2009|06:23pm]

oh my fuck.
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[15 Jul 2009|07:12pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

What bank do you use? Do you like it/recommend it? (So sorry if this has been asked.)

I use Bank of America, and I HATE HATE HATE their overdraft fees. I've been in debt with them for a while (no job :/) and I finally got paid for this video game I sold and it was as though I didn't even put money in because of the overdraft fee! GAH! But my brother was kind enough to let me borrow some money, so now I'm no longer in debt. But damn, I hate BOA. I'm thinking of switching over to another bank, just don't know which would be best. So, your opinions?

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[15 Jul 2009|07:52pm]
is anyone else having trouble on twitter where they're getting more followers (like one or two a day) but they don't show when you click on the link? how can i fix this? it's annoying me because i want to block the bots and find out who else is following me so i can maybe follow them back.
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[15 Jul 2009|08:04pm]
I just got hired at best buy, has anyone ever worked there/known someone who has worked there before?
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[15 Jul 2009|11:33pm]
What album are you guys constantly listening to at the moment? It's gotta be something that came out within this year, to be fair.
Myself: Julian Plenti "Julian Plenti is... skyscraper"
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