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stay classy, divierto

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[26 Jun 2009|02:39am]
Does anybody else think that 2009, in terms of current events, has gone horribly wrong? =/
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[26 Jun 2009|07:33am]
What is your top secret dream in life? Your plan C, D, or E?

Mine is to grow world-record-breaking vegetables.
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[26 Jun 2009|07:34am]
Good morning, [info]divierto.

Comment so people can reply with what kind of job they think you should have.
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tonight is awesome questions night!!!!!! [26 Jun 2009|08:24am]
If you came back to earth as an inanimate object after you died, what would you want to be?
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[26 Jun 2009|09:55am]
Div, I'm lost.

I'm about to buy this phone:

but I'm switching to MetroPCS soon. Will metro be able to carry my phone?
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got this from a co-worker. would you mind signing the petition? [26 Jun 2009|10:59am]

Did you know that the military is still discharging soldiers for being openly gay?

One of these soldiers is California's own Lt. Dan Choi, who is also an Arabic linguist. Lt. Choi is fighting the discharge and fighting the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and needs your help.

Lt. Choi goes on trial on Tuesday. I just signed a letter of support via the Courage Campaign for Lt. Choi, which he will bring with him to his trial.

Will you join me in signing and urge your friends to do the same before Tuesday's trial?:

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[26 Jun 2009|11:26am]
hi, last night i purchased a car. i'm 17 years old and am looking to buy insurance for this car. however, my mother doesn't drive as she comes from the city and swears she doesn't have to. we've called many insurance companies thus far and have come up empty handed since my mom doesn't have a license. does anyone know of a company that will help us out, or know of anything else we could do? thanks.

also, i live in new jersey if that helps.
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[26 Jun 2009|11:49am]
hey div, would you ever be able to date someone with the same name as a sibling/parent/relative/close friend? what about with the same last name as you? what about the same name as an ex?

for me )
30 comments|post comment

i'm still worked up about mj :( [26 Jun 2009|12:40pm]
what are you guys excited about?

i'm seeing aerosmith tonight in concert and i'm so fucking pumped, i've been waiting to see them since i was 6 years old, so about 14 years!
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[26 Jun 2009|01:29pm]
Mother of 555-Pound Boy Speaks

how in the hell could you let your child get that unhealthy and not intervene?
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[26 Jun 2009|01:59pm]
ty facebook polls for making the issue of Gay Marriage easy to understand; hmmm one side seems so much more logical.

the futuristic movie timeline of what will happen to us; but don't worry, the real post-apocalyptic Costner stuff is still a few months away. I wouldn't mind us getting phasers and beaming a bit ahead of schedule.
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[26 Jun 2009|02:19pm]
I got a job today (after being unemployed for 4 months) and am seeing Keith Urban tonight - needless to say I am enthralled for both but especially the job thing.

Last thing to make you really excited?
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Ulta [26 Jun 2009|03:02pm]
Anyone know anything at all about Ulta? I have a phone interview on Monday to work at their store opening up by me but I have never even been in one. I applied to be both a cashier and a prestige consulant but I'm not sure which of the two I am interviewing for. Can anyone tell me what it's like being in there or working there, if they've interviewed there and what I might get asked, how much you got paid, and what you did? Thanks!
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[26 Jun 2009|05:53pm]
Hey guys, tell me a song that would be fun to learn on the guitar and I'll check if I have it in this huge folder I downloaded full of guitar sheet music. Seriously, there is SO MUCH. Just don't say Franz Ferdinand because I checked and there is none. :(

Along those same lines, which band in your opinion has the best guitar parts?
1 comment|post comment

[26 Jun 2009|06:10pm]
I need to dress up as a safari animal for my friend's party soooo if I were a safari animal which one would I be?
And so this is fun for everyone, post pictures of yourself and have people comment back telling you which safari animal you would be!
moar )
13 comments|post comment

[26 Jun 2009|06:26pm]
in light of all the "HILARIOUS" pedo jokes about MJ.

I am completely disgusted by how cruel people are being toward this whole thing. Regardless of your personal opinions about anyone, there is a time and place for everything, and the day after the death of that person is definitely not the time to start cracking jokes as if that person didn't just die!
The lack of respect is fucking ridiculous and it has been making me so mad.

last thing to piss you off?
116 comments|post comment

[26 Jun 2009|07:26pm]
For those of you that watch, who was/is your favorite American Idol EVER?
mine )
20 comments|post comment

from TFLN [26 Jun 2009|07:51pm]
(214): The Lord gave Farrah Fawcett 1 wish when she died. She wished that all children in the world would be safe! The Lord granted her wish and killed Michael Jackson.
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[26 Jun 2009|08:08pm]
[ mood | drained ]

what books are you reading now, div?

turn the page )

40 comments|post comment

[26 Jun 2009|09:25pm]
I'm watching this story on 20/20 right now :

Anyone else watching or have read this article? This is probably the oddest medical story I've ever heard.
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