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stay classy, divierto

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[08 Jun 2009|09:03am]
holy shit a disney movie that isn't 3-d :-O
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[08 Jun 2009|09:33am]
tell me how excited you are.
43 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|10:39am]
div, i've been inspired! having "paparazzi" by lady gaga stuck in my head for the last week or so made me want to make a mix with celebrity-related songs on it - either about being a celebrity, or something having to do with celebrities. i got to ten songs, and now i'm stuck, so i'm coming to you all for help. here's what i have so far:

fall out boy - our lawyers
lady gaga - paparazzi
kanye west - flashing lights
britney spears - piece of me
the cab - i'm a wonder
lindsay lohan - rumors
cobra starship - smile for the paparazzi
miley cyrus - fly on the wall
jonas brothers - paranoid
lady gaga - the fame

it's come out to be a pop/pop-punk/whatever playlist, but i don't care about genre so much as the theme. if you guys have any ideas as far as what other songs would work, please let me know!
22 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|10:49am]
i have a dilemma!

one of my best friends is moving away for a year next week, and his going away party is on thursday. but on wednesday, my mother and i are supposed to be driving 1200 miles interstate, and on friday and saturday i have plans with a friend who lives there. my mother has said she doesn't mind me staying behind and flying up once the party's over, but i don't think it's fair to make her drive all that way on her own. best friend that i'm not going to see for a year vs mother driving 2 days straight alone.

what do you all suggest? majority vote wins
12 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|11:29am]
OMG, i feel kinda bad but i can't stop laughing at this post/comments. Just thought i would share.

15 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|03:24pm]
hey div! i've been hanging out at my bf's house all day today since it was supposed to rain :\ we're going to bake cookies <3 what's going on, what's everyone up to. let's chat
19 comments|post comment

well hello there [info]divierto i never post in here anymore i miss you [08 Jun 2009|03:30pm]
how's the weather? )
23 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|05:50pm]
if you have contacts, do you order them online? what kind do you use?
4 comments|post comment

hurry and reply!! [08 Jun 2009|07:46pm]
what movie should i rent tonight? i need a comedy... i feel like i've seen everything.
18 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|07:58pm]
For the gamers, who saw E3? What game are you excited about?

Read more... )

For those of you who don't care about games, what made you happy today?
For me, scoring excellent on my Anatomy quiz, even though I didn't study.
20 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|09:40pm]
What are some reasons why being in control and 'owning' your body is so important?
13 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|10:38pm]
My boyfriend and I are thinking about going on a cruise for our vacation this summer. We are new to it so I'm looking for any advice and comments on cruises. What cruise line did you take? When did you go? Experiences? Costs? Food?

7 comments|post comment

so hilarious [08 Jun 2009|11:03pm]
Thank you, stumbleupon
11 comments|post comment

[08 Jun 2009|11:37pm]
ok so who else is watching the colbert report where he's in iraq? i'm so excited about this week because of this. feel free to discuss the awesomeness.
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