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[16 May 2009|12:33am]
revenge: discuss
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[16 May 2009|12:36am]
Actually, instead, let's do a "most obnoxious sounds in the world" post.

My grandpa is snoring right now, and although I don't plan on sleeping tonight, I still want to punch him.

garbage trucks
dogs barking (constantly, for long periods of time, that is)
knuckles cracking
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[16 May 2009|12:49am]
Describe what the world's greatest hat would be like.
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[16 May 2009|01:44am]
maybe this is a stupid question but how do you make a youtube channel page ~pretty~? like, aside from the basics like changing the colors and adding a background, etc
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[16 May 2009|11:32am]
i'm so happy guys, my boyfriend and i applied for an apartment townhouse and were approved. it's my very first place and i can't want to move!

what has made your life amazing recently?
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[16 May 2009|02:26pm]
ugh div, i have a toshiba satellite thats probably 3/4 months old and for some reason my d drive isnt loading. i checked on the device management thing and its saying that it can't load the driver software and checked for solutions but to my knowledge it didn't fix anything. wtf?! i barely use that drive and i was just burning cd's last week. HALP!
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[16 May 2009|02:57pm]
when is it too late to hear back from waitlist schools?

i'm filling out my housing for hampshire and i'm not 100% about going there, but it was my best option out of the schools i was accepted to.
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[16 May 2009|07:41pm]
how was your saturday? i did work on my lawn. it was boring and extremely hot outside div

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random. [16 May 2009|07:47pm]
what's your favorite quote or line from a song, div?

edit - here's mine:

quote = "pain is inevitable, misery is an option".
lyric = "i hate to break this to you, but being a coward isn't a legitimate career"
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I know this is the wrong place to ask but... [16 May 2009|08:52pm]
hey, can someone make some .avi files for me from this trailer?


thanks so much. i have a final project due monday and i need to get video files into my powerpoint and i have no clue what i'm doing so i'm trying out some .avi files now.
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[16 May 2009|09:05pm]
I got a freaking macbook today div! :) So excited. I already had and iMac, but my friend at work got a new macbook, so he sold me his barely used black macbook, and I changed the hard drive and now it is just as good as my new iMac haha!! Its in like perfect condition too! Stellar.

What was the last thing you got excited for lovelys?!
Or what do you wish you could get? (electronic, or something else)

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[16 May 2009|09:10pm]
Have any of your boyfriend's exes driven you absolutely crazy ?

Long story that I need advice on. )
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[16 May 2009|11:54pm]
Would you email your professor and ask wtf?

So, I had a 91% average in my abnormal psych class before the final - 90, 82, 98. All weighted equally. I thought I did well on the final, and handed in an optional extra credit assignment. I got a B+ in the class. With the extra credit assignment, I would have had to have gotten below a 76 on my final to put me below an A-, and I REALLY don't think I did that poorly.

Anyone else have teachers that are such sticklers? I have another whose cutoff for an A- is a 90 average. He gave me a B+ because mine was an 89.6... SERIOUSLY?! .4 POINTS?! Ugh.
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