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stay classy, divierto

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[09 May 2009|12:49am]
has anybody ever sold their textbooks to half-price books? my bff did today and i didn't get a chance to ask if they paid him well for them or not. i'm thinking about heading there tomorrow, since i have three books i didn't even use this semester that i could really use the cash for.
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[09 May 2009|05:14am]
it's only the beginning of may and i am sooooo done with summer and the 100 degree temperatures, thanks!
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[09 May 2009|11:09am]
im stuck on ideas, i want to make something special but idk what :( what are you guys gonna do or get for your mommies tomorrow?
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[09 May 2009|01:08pm]
Biggest pet peeve, Div?

People you can't be on time. Is it really that hard?
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let's dream for a second, div. [09 May 2009|01:58pm]
1. what is your major, and what career will that hopefully lead to for you?

2. what is the job you daydream of having, one you think you can't achieve but would kill to?

i love daydreaming so this works for me :) )
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this is so fucking sad [09 May 2009|02:38pm]
i went to school with this kid. our little brothers were good friends. i knew them..i was at that house.
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bored :) [09 May 2009|03:24pm]
hot people post!!
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[09 May 2009|03:56pm]
What is a talent (trained or not) you don't have that you wish you did?

I wish I could play guitar.
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[09 May 2009|04:49pm]
hey. i'm going to truro, ma from july 15th to 23rd, and i was wondering if any of you know what in the living hell is there/if anything is going on there from those dates. also, if it helps, i live in the southeast, so the entire "hey there's a beach but the water is too cold to swim in" is a complete mindfuck.
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[09 May 2009|06:33pm]
how the fuck do you rip music from myspace? i tried the sites in the memories but they're not working. i put the song as myspace song and used my myspace url for the url you input into the sites. why isn't it working?
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[09 May 2009|07:16pm]
experiences with craigslist? i just posted my first ad for like 92 vhs movies for $45 and i'm like wondering if i should expect crazies.
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[09 May 2009|07:56pm]
What color shoes would go nicely with a dress that is this color?

I already have black shoes, but that just seems so boring, idk. It's for a wedding I'm going to in June (a lesbian wedding, YEAH!)
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[09 May 2009|08:36pm]
so I've had a terrible, terrible night and I need to be cheered up. any suggestions?
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[09 May 2009|08:39pm]
Does anyone know where I could find cute tiled backgrounds for layouts?

Thanks in advance.
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[09 May 2009|09:11pm]
I may have asked this a long time ago but i really don't rememeber but if you get either some of your teeth pulled or a root canal, would most dentists be willing to give you any painkillers for it?
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[09 May 2009|09:36pm]
Alright ~div. Road trip music. Annnd go!
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[09 May 2009|10:40pm]
flirting via facebook/the internet is awkward as hell, isn't it?web counter
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[09 May 2009|10:42pm]
oh god div, nobody told me The Descent was a fucking horrifying film holy shit man, this has to be the only film to make me screech D:

last ~scary~ film you saw?
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i'm posting too much tonight [09 May 2009|11:02pm]
Is anyone else feeling incredibly lonely tonight besides me?

I wish i had a man lol.
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[09 May 2009|11:46pm]
help me pick a new myspace default? )

while i'm at it, show me YOUR bff!
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