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stay classy, divierto

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[03 May 2009|12:28am]
What do you think will be the big songs of summer?
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[03 May 2009|02:49am]
god div, the lost boys: the tribe is horrible :(

what's the last move you watched? was it bad or good?
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[03 May 2009|09:39am]
just an fyi for those who care, hallmark channel is running a golden girls marathon all day today in memory of bea arthur.

so this isn't completely pointless; what was the last thing you bought?
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cause im bored with studying and instead thinking of my boyfriend. [03 May 2009|10:48am]
post a picture/pictures of your boyfriend/girlfriend/friend with benefits/crushes/etc! )
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[03 May 2009|12:40pm]
My boyfriends family is having a communion party for his brother next Sunday, I'm not going to the church service but I'm meeting them at his house after. I don't know what to wear.

I was thinking of wearing this:


with sandals. Is it too dressy?


Whats your favorite outfit you are dying to wear for summer?!
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[03 May 2009|12:44pm]
I'm writing a paper for my econ class and I need help.

What's a REALISTIC way that the government can get out of debt, or reduce the debt, in a 10 year period without cutting spending or raising taxes?

You're supposed to use your imagination, but I have none of that. So thank you so much if you can help.
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music post! [03 May 2009|02:17pm]
1. What's your favorite song for this summer so far?
2. What's your favorite band/album of 2009 so far?
3. Best show you've been to?
4. Show you're looking forward to the most?
5. Band you would KILL to see live?

my answers! )
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[03 May 2009|03:14pm]
For Bio II, I'm doing a project based on applying the Hardy-Weinberg theorem to the real world. It says that I need to survey about fifty people and ask them whether or not they have a certain human trait. I don't really know where to go for this so I decided to ask the lovely people of [info]divierto.

So, can you roll your tongue or not?

Also, if you know, then please tell me whether your siblings or parents can do the same or not. I want to "survey" as many people as I can just in case. Thank you.

Edit: Woah! Thank you to everyone who commented here. I now have an overwhelming amount of data, haha. I really appreciate it so thank you again!
43 comments|post comment

[03 May 2009|08:14pm]
what are some of your essentials for summer, div?

Read more... )
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[03 May 2009|09:04pm]
i haven't participated in one of these in a while so show me your most recent picture :)

=P )

p.s - is anyone else watching G4 right now with the zombie hunters? haha is this for real?
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[03 May 2009|09:10pm]
i need fashion advice...kinda.

what type of shoes (color also) would look good with
this dress? )

and what do you plan on wearing a lot this summer? i've never been someone who likes to wear shorts or dresses during the summer, but i think i'm going to flaunt them this year.
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don't remember what the art comm is, so... [03 May 2009|09:16pm]
Have you ever made a journal for a friend or I guess more commonly a boyfriend?
If so post pictures or tell me about it! I'm thinking about starting a few for my friends and giving them to them for graduation or something.
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ibuprofen in high school? [03 May 2009|09:18pm]
Okay, divierto, I've been out of high school for three years now, and sadly, I do not remember much about it. lol. Not about little technical things, anyway. I'm writing this story about a guy in high school, and I have a question for you high school students. Can you get ibuprofen at the nurse's office? In my story, the guy has a headache and goes into the nurse's office. Would they give him ibuprofen? Is that allowed?

Any help would be wonderful, thanks!
22 comments|post comment

[03 May 2009|10:19pm]
are you for or against plastic surgery? why?

** this is for a paper, so any elaborations would be helpful
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[03 May 2009|10:51pm]
what are some good recent rock/punk bands?

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[03 May 2009|10:58pm]
what are you doing or getting your mom for mother's day?

i just decided that i am going to make her a collage in photoshop of my sisters and i and get it printed/framed.
16 comments|post comment

[03 May 2009|11:22pm]
what's one of your biggest pet peeves with romance/couples/PDA?

i cannot stand when couples give multiple kisses at one time. i mean, either give a good kiss, or a short one, BUT DON'T MAKE A "MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAH" NOISE FOR EVERYONE TO HEAR. gahhh.

edit: i should clarify: i'm not against pda, in all honesty. i don't like to do it personally, but i'm all for people showing love, like you guys are. what inspired this post are my brother and his girlfriend, who constantly do that in front of everybody, and make all of us feel totally awkward. we'd rather they just kiss once, haha. i don't mean to sound like a hater :(
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