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[24 Mar 2009|02:52am]
can people tell if you're trying to connect to their itunes library? i know you can go in and check in preferences and it will tell you "one user connected" or whatever, but i'm wondering if you can get notified about it or something.

basically i kept clicking on this kid's itunes kind of by accident and it used to work and now it says that the library is not responding and i'm wondering if he now knows i am click happy in itunes.. i tried googling but i couldn't find much about tracking stuff?
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[24 Mar 2009|09:50am]
Because I've noticed it seems to be a love or hate thing..

Do you like milk? (The dairy product, not the movie)

I looveeeeee it. So refreshing.
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[24 Mar 2009|11:41am]
I am going on a 4-day 2,000 mile trip back to Wisconsin with my dad in 6 days. We are staying in a hotel each night after long days of driving. My problem is my dad snores louder than any human being. I sometimes can't sleep at home when he's in the NEXT ROOM and I have a FAN ON. My dad suggests those shitty foamy ear plugs that don't work at all.

My question is, where can I get GOOD earplugs that actually work? Or headphones/something I can wear that actually blocks out sound really well?
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[24 Mar 2009|12:35pm]
i'm doing critiques for my creative writing class, and i have to ask this question. take this piece of dialogue:

"Why did you go to Europe for a year?"
"Same reason everyone else in their twenties goes trying to find themselves?"
"Take it it didn't work?"
"Does it ever?" I smiled at her as we clear the table but our conversation went back to the same usual trite subjects.

writing aside, do you think that this section is particularly believable?
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[24 Mar 2009|02:11pm]
i thought you guys might like this )
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[24 Mar 2009|02:48pm]
So my scrobbler isn't working anymore. I tried to uninstall and reinstall, still nothing. Any ideas what I can do?
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[24 Mar 2009|04:29pm]
What happens if you just stop taking your birth control pills? I noticed I've been getting wayy too moody since I started them in October, so I want to stop using them now. I'm taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo if that helps.
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[24 Mar 2009|08:48pm]
ok i've decided to get my tongue pierced. i have a speech on friday, so if i get it pierced tomorrow, will i be fine or should i hold off until this weekend?
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lol my friend and i were just discussing this so i thought i'd ask :) [24 Mar 2009|09:22pm]
you just won a free boat ride and get to take 2 people with you. who do you take?
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[24 Mar 2009|10:00pm]

wooo so excited!
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[24 Mar 2009|10:48pm]
does anyone here take anxiety medicine? what kind? how long have you been on it? would you say you've benefited from it? what did it take for you to get prescribed?

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