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stay classy, divierto

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[17 Mar 2009|12:11am]
I think it's impossible for me to update my iTunes. Every time it asks me if I want to download the new version, it gets to a certain part during the download of "Bonjour for Windows" and stalls. I don't do anything/click anything/play music or anything while it's updating and it still does it. Is there some way I can get it to download? Maybe a site or something? Can I skip downloading Bonjour and Safari and just try downloading the iTunes? I don't want to risk deleating iTunes all together and then redownloading incase it DOESN'T redownload.
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[17 Mar 2009|01:53am]
does anyone remember the website where it looks like youre playing a game and then like about a minute into it some scary image pops up like in the beginning of this video
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[17 Mar 2009|08:41am]

a great MB looking for new members!
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[17 Mar 2009|11:41am]
I want to make my friend a tshirt, but I can't decide what color to get the shirt before I take it to the embroidery place.


She's fair skinned with blonde hair, if that helps.
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[17 Mar 2009|12:02pm]
do you have any bad habits that you are unconscious of or don't know how they started? i just realized that i can't walk down a staircase without holding on to the guard rail. I tried just walking down it without holding on and nearly gave myself a panic attack!
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[17 Mar 2009|02:38pm]
So, I got my dog spayed yesterday and I am a little worried about her and was wondering if any of you have any experience or advice? This is my first dog, without my parents, and she is my baby, so I get a little paranoid and over react. When I brought her home yesterday the vet showed me her gums and that they were a bright pink color, and said that was good. She was really drowsy last night when she came home and just laid around all night, which I expected. But today, her gums are not nearly as pink as they were, they are barely pink at all. She seems a lot more active than yesterday, following me room to room, but she wont eat any of her normal food, even when I put warm chicken broth on it. She only wants real meat, so I gave her some chicken. I called the clinic and consulted the post-op forms they gave me and they/it said to rub sugar and/or honey on her gums to help her feel better and make her less nauseous, so I did. I am just concerned about the gum color, any ideas what I can do?

And just because I love these posts, SHOW ME YOUR PETS! )
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[17 Mar 2009|03:12pm]
Lets be crazy here... of course there are things about you physically that you have the power to change (if you have the money) but some things you don't like about yourself, too bad! you're stuck with! Make a list of everything you wish you could change (both possible and impossible)
is this kind of a downer/"lets think of all the bad things about us" post.... yeah. but that's my mood, so i'm involving you all.. haha

I'd make myyy..
hair thicker and longer
less freckles on my face/whole body
my ears smaller
my nose not so wide
my teeth smaller
my eyes bigger
my whooole body thinner
my boobs bigger
my legs longer
my feet smaller
my fingers thinner-I kinda have fat stubby fingers

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i'm so so so ready for summer :( [17 Mar 2009|03:26pm]
What are some fun songs you like to listen to in the summer?

I want to make a mix and so far all I have on it is "Gives You Hell" by AAR, "What I Got" by Sublime, and "That's Not My Name" by The Ting Tings.
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hi! [17 Mar 2009|03:39pm]
for anyone who likes the oldies, what are your favorite songs from the 70's? right now i'm really diggin boston's "more than a feeling" its definitely getting me pumped for summer.
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[17 Mar 2009|06:01pm]
aight div, i'm working on a type and design project, and we're supposed to be design parts of a book using a set of pictures by Karl Blossfeldt.. but that's besides the point and doesn't really matter. i'm just asking you all to look at these pictures and use your imagination and tell me what you see .. it would be awesome if it was a manmade thing or mammal .. tell me as many or as little as you want, i will demonstrate! follow the cut )

yep, so thats it! here are the pictures, please take some time to help me out, this class is pretty much killing me.. haha.

onto the picatures! )
thank you SO much to anyone who comments.. i really appreciate any help you can provide ♥
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[17 Mar 2009|07:13pm]

all i have to say is ......
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[17 Mar 2009|07:14pm]
div, i want to get a tribute tattoo for my grandmother (r.i.p.) who lost her battle to colon cancer in 1992. i'm trying to figure out some design ideas but so far i have nothing. so can you guys give me some ideas? thanks!
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[17 Mar 2009|07:57pm]
ch ch ch chip and dale!

what's the last thing that made you feel nostalgic?
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[17 Mar 2009|08:30pm]
on a normal weekday (work/school/whatever..) what time do you get up and get ready?

i'm supposed to get up at 5:50 but i usually sleep in until 6:25 and leave for school at 6:50 to get to school by 7:00
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[17 Mar 2009|08:45pm]
[info]sweaters told me to post! becuase i want to feel in the "in crowd" sooooo...What had made your day a good one? It could be something so small as it being a FANTASTIC day outside, or you saw a really pretty butterfuly. rofl . Today, for me..although Joseph started to not even bother with me [we broke up, and he still acted like he wanted to be with me..] or talk to me or anything, But it was a fasntastic day outside. It was so beautiful. and i had off from work. idk. Post pictures or something.
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[17 Mar 2009|09:02pm]
how many tracks do you have loved on

i have 33 now and i'm starting to think i'm abusing the feature, because all my friends have, like...two.
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[17 Mar 2009|09:33pm]
Hey, guys.

Do any of you know where I could get a dress like this, but in black? (And in the same price range...below $130)
I'm looking on (thanks [info]libertad) and I've fallen in love with this dress but idk if I can handle red. I've seen kind of similar styles to it, but I want something lacy up on the top like that one.
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[17 Mar 2009|09:56pm]
can we have a sandwich appreciate post? tell me about your favorite sandwiches, whether they be turkey and cheese or peanut butter and banana!

myself, i'm quite partial to pb&js with creamy peanut butter and raspberry jelly.
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[17 Mar 2009|10:35pm]
i'm wondering, what's something you realized today?

also the other day when someone posted about makeup removers that work well, i replied with huggies, and i meant baby wipes, not diapers. ;D
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[17 Mar 2009|10:50pm]
im getting really discouraged in english class - once my favorite. my teacher is so rude and i work very hard only to receive bad grades that i KNOW should be better (i've asked other teachers and the "intelligent" people in my class"... so my question should i continue to work extra hard for less than average grades? i don't feel it's worth my effort anymore, this won't change this late in the year. (i'm a high school student btw)
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[17 Mar 2009|10:52pm]
what is this:

and can I have one?
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[17 Mar 2009|10:56pm]
my brother was casted for a background part in a movie as a lawyer and he shot it today. it's starring hugh grant and sarah jessica parker! he's been getting casted in so many commericals/tv shows/movies and i'm just so fucking happy for him.

who is someone in your life that you've been really proud of lately? it can be something about yourself, too!
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[17 Mar 2009|11:27pm]
has anyone ever tried the cabbage soup diet or anything along those lines? im going on the sacred heart medical diet tomorrow and im hoping it will give me a good jumpstart on my weight loss :(
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