stay classy, divierto's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
stay classy, divierto

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[08 Mar 2009|12:55am]
Guys don't forget to "spring ahead" at 2AM. Losing an hour = no fun. :[
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[08 Mar 2009|01:04am]
who else waits until the LAST minute to pack and shit before they go on a trip? please tell me i am not alone. i just drank some monster and i'm ready to stay up all night packing, doing laundry, AND finishing homework because professors who give work over spring break fucking suck.
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[08 Mar 2009|09:06am]

what is one thing you are loving and one thing you are hating right now?

loving: the sun shining! hating: being stuck inside at work when it's beautiful outside

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[08 Mar 2009|09:48am]
Who here watches RuPaul's drag race? Favourites? I'm torn between Nina Flowers and Shannel.
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hope this is allowed? [08 Mar 2009|10:40am]
hey there divierto peeps! it'd be really cool if any of you would go to my journal and recommend some music for me. i am painfully aware that my library is very small and sheltered. thank you in advance!
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[08 Mar 2009|11:55am]
Maybe I'm late on finding this out but I just read that they're making a movie called Howl about Allen Ginsberg's obscenity trial for the poem. If it's good, my life is complete :)
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[08 Mar 2009|12:40pm]
does anyone still make cute styles for their journals anymore? i haven't made my journal look pretty for so long, but i've got an urge to but i don't think i remember how to!

where, if anywhere, do you get your journal styles for? is there an equivalent to coward on ij?
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[08 Mar 2009|04:47pm]
How many of you are songwriters?

What inspires you to write? How do you figure out/decide the rhythm & rhyme of the song? Does it come easy to you or do you struggle?

I've never written lyrics before, but I used to write a lot of poetry and read it out with distinct rhythm to each one. I know poetry and songwriting aren't the same thing, though, and besides, I haven't written a poem in, oh, five or so years? But I have a character in a story I'm writing who writes his own songs, and I wanted to at least try to write a song or two, so that I didn't have to just skip over that whole aspect of his character, y'know?

So, any tips you might have for inspiration or ideas would really help~! ♥
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[08 Mar 2009|05:42pm]
wegman's: the greatest grocery store known to man?
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[08 Mar 2009|05:50pm]
where are some crazy places you have had sex? my boyfriend is staying with me and my parents for the week and this is only his first whole day here and i cannot make it a week without sex .. and we can't do anything in my house, like we're not even allowed in my room by ourselves. I have no friends houses or anyplace to go .. suggestions?
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[08 Mar 2009|06:36pm]
I thought soup was suppose to make you feel better. Apparently my stomach doesn't agree with that.

So div, what was something really good that you ate that ended up not being really good for your stomach?
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[08 Mar 2009|06:46pm]
What is something you've always wondered?

I've always wondered if there are other people out there who physically cannot burp, because I hate it.
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[08 Mar 2009|07:18pm]
i have to write an essay on barack obama and i'm up to the last part where i have to explain why my historical figure is studies/important in history. all i have so far is he was obviously the first african american president, he was just a president in general, first president from hawaii and that's it. i can't think of anything i didn't already say in paragraphs before so please help me out by giving me more reasons! thanks
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[08 Mar 2009|08:02pm]
i am looking for a new series to read. suggestions would be great.
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CAN I HEAR AN AMEN [08 Mar 2009|10:07pm]
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[08 Mar 2009|10:08pm]
my friend and i were driving around tonight and we decided to make a playlist on my ipod called the classics. basically it's just some fun songs that just about everyone knows and can be funny at the same time. and after like the first few, we were stumped. so this is where you lovely people come in! haha. what are your favorites to play in the car?

so far we have:
camel toe by fannypack
workout plan by kanye
colt 45 by afroman
lets get nasty by lil rob
that girl is poison by bel biv devoe
love shack by b-52's
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Piercings question. [08 Mar 2009|10:25pm]
For those of you with lip rings, can you do a stud right off the bat instead of a ring? And if so, do you think it'd be possible to take the stud off and not have it come out/get caught on your tooth or something?


for those of you with septum piercings, you can turn them up into your nose right away, correct?
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[08 Mar 2009|10:52pm]
Has anyone read Wicked?
If so, how did you like it?
If not - what's the last book you read?
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~deep~ [08 Mar 2009|10:56pm]
on a scale from 1 to 10(with 10 being the most) how much do you like 2009 so far?

i'd probably have to go with a 6
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[08 Mar 2009|11:20pm]
this has been driving me crazy lately: i don't know if it's a tv show or a movie, but i remember some quote like 'the bitch pulled a pulp fiction on us'? anyone know what this is from?
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[08 Mar 2009|11:22pm]
has anyone here seen the movie doomsday? did you like it? my friend rented it and is trying to get me to watch it.
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[08 Mar 2009|11:23pm]
i just now discovered the awesome that is haha so post your fave pics from there!

mine. )
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[08 Mar 2009|11:28pm]
You know what's awesome? Posting entries to divierto you mean to post to your journal. Good times.

When is everyones spring break?! Mine starts on Friday!
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