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stay classy, divierto

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[18 Feb 2009|12:35am]
where do you see yourself in 5 years?
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[18 Feb 2009|01:42am]
Okay hi div who else here watches American Idol?

For those of you who do... does it bug anyone else how they change gender-specific lyrics to the songs depending on who's singing them?

For example, "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" becomes "Every Little Thing He Does is Magic" because a girl is singing it. DUMB.
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2:30am is a bad time to ask, but. [18 Feb 2009|02:39am]
For anyone who was interested in the post I made about starting a Cry_Wolf/Wolves/Mafia game here on IJ, I've got it set up and ready at [info]cryzombie and I'd love to get the first game going soon!

We need 12 players to start, so if you want in on it (rules/outline is right there in the journal so you can see), just comment here. First 12 people will be in the first game, I promise it'll be fun!

And for those of you who don't know a thing about the game, I'll break it down this simply: )

AND THAT'S THAT. SIGN UP NOW IF YOU WANNA PLAY! It's easy to get the hang of it if you've never played before, so don't be scared!

I'll make another post in the afternoon when everyone's actually around, as well.
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i am seriously upset over this lmao [18 Feb 2009|05:02am]
damn my gramma for making me watch ellen yesterday with the jonas brothers on it. i did not want a reason to like them but that nick is one cutie patootie :-/ little wiffle ball throwing, joke making, adorably dressed cutie

has there ever been a craze you've tried to avoid but found yourself caught up in anyway? damn my eyes.
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[18 Feb 2009|05:17am]
Does anyone know of any websites that sell "fun" purses, kind of like these?
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[18 Feb 2009|12:38pm]
I don't know if anyone will know this but it's bugging me so much.
I heard it on the radio and recognized the band but didn't know.

A song by a alternative/rock band about him messing up with his girlfriend (maybe cheating) and how hes sorry and is hoping she'll forgive him and he's sorry and loves her and wants to stay together.

Sorry it's so broad but maybe someone will know! Thanks :)
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[18 Feb 2009|12:48pm]
I got my tongue pierced on saturday and it was very crooked. I want to go get it redone but they don't have anymore 14g needles but she said she'd pierce it with a 12g. for any of you who have had it done or know someone who has, would you reccommend that I just wait until they get the 14g needles back in or just go ahead and get it over with? another dillema I have is that I work in a call center so I will be using my mouth a lot and need time to heal. so I am really torn between whether or not I should just get it done now and have time to heal for the rest of the week or if I should wait until friday night and have all weekend when they could possibly have the 14g's back in. opinions and experiences appreciated!
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[18 Feb 2009|01:12pm]
something that makes you smile everytime?

for me, it's my mom's she's awesome.
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[18 Feb 2009|01:42pm]
I just donated 10,010 grains of rice on ! What's the most you've done at one time?
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[18 Feb 2009|01:56pm]
best way (excluding injections/surgery) to get rid of, or at least reduce, scars?
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[18 Feb 2009|02:11pm]
Let's play the movie quote game!

quote us some movies, guys. 
and we'll guess.
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okay its debate time... [18 Feb 2009|02:32pm]
Are you for or against illegal immigration?
Is there a point in strict border security?
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[18 Feb 2009|02:51pm]
because I'm making a my own list right now

What do you want to do this summer?
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[18 Feb 2009|03:08pm]
1. what to you do when you get home from school/work to "wind down?"
2. what are some healthy, yummy dinners i could make for my sisters and i?
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[18 Feb 2009|03:31pm]
so, I go to college online, and I just got a email from my teacher saying I have to redo a discussion board answer because it had too many similarities to other peoples papers. Let me explain why I'm mad. I wrote it in my own words, first off. 5 of the things are citations, and the others are from other student's papers, WHICH I HAVE NO ACCESS TOO. Basically, he's like, "Redo this by Thursday, or you get 75% off, because you cheated."

SERIOUSLY? I cheated off of something I have no access to whatsoever. How the hell am I going to do that? And, some of the papers are from like 2006. [They weren't papers from my class or anything]

Whatever, I sent him an email though, explaining why I don't think I should have to redo it. And, if he gives me some more bullshit, I'm just going to call my adviser, because that is completely ridiculous.

Please, tell me if I have a reason to be pissed off? and, Let this be your cue to rant about something going on in your life.
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[18 Feb 2009|04:26pm]
[info]cryzombie still needs 7 6 5 4 3 TWO ONE more player! GAME'S FULL! you guys know you wanna play! you don't need to know the game, swear! all the info is right there in the journal!

And for those of you who don't like zombies: What's your favourite flavour of tea to make a whole pot out of? I usually just make a full pot using Orange Pekoe or Chai, because all my other flavours are ~special~ and I save them for single cups. I just made a pot of Blueberry White though, because I wanted something sweet.
21 comments|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|04:29pm]
. What's your favorite sleeping position? (this being the position that you tend to sleep in the most)

. What's your least favorite sleeping position? Why?

. What do you like to wear to sleep?

mine... )

discussion time: Mhmm?; oh really? and wtf?

Why are some people fucktards? He's doing his best to fix the situation :(
21 comments|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|04:41pm]
the westboro baptist church has decided to picket the memorial for the plane crash in buffalo last week.

i know that this isn't uncommon, but it finally hit home. have any of you dealt with these people?
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[18 Feb 2009|04:50pm]
Has anyone ever been lobbying? What's it like, and what did you lobby for?

ps. What's your favorite Fleurs du mal poem, if you have one? I have to analyze one for a class and can't choose.
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[18 Feb 2009|05:35pm]
Last WEIRD thing to happen to you?

Mine: Yes, this is very odd. The ENDS of my hair have randomly began turning pink. I really have no explanation for this. I did look up online what it could be...and read that the METAL in things such as curling irons, or flat irons can react with chemicals in your hair causing a "metal salt"..which turns pink.

Yes, weird.
10 comments|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|05:55pm]
i'm sure this question has a simple answer, but i've looked everywhere and can't find it.

if someone sends you a community invite on LJ, where do you go to accept it? i didn't get an email and they don't have a sidebar link like on here. thanks!
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[18 Feb 2009|06:06pm]
have you ever had such a crush on a teacher or professor that you would actually act on it given the opportunity?

i do rn :[
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[18 Feb 2009|07:30pm]
what is all this "" stuff, and jack got hit by a bus?? WHAT'S GOING ON? I see these commercials all the time, and im just comfused. are they like shutting down or something???
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[18 Feb 2009|07:36pm]
who else is having a really shitty day throw ya hands up
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procrastinating my islam hw [18 Feb 2009|07:54pm]
what insanejournal scheme do you use? imo i hate all of them :(
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[18 Feb 2009|08:09pm]
divierto, when is your reading break? almost every other friend of mine across canada has reading break either this week or next week and mine isn't for two more weeks :( it sucks.
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[18 Feb 2009|08:11pm]
Have you ever edited a Wikipedia article?
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[18 Feb 2009|08:15pm]
Post something that makes you happy! or something from your favorites
I found this with Stumbleupon it makes me smile and go "aww" everytime
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[18 Feb 2009|09:07pm]
can someone find me the video for the crossword scratcher commercial where theyre like in a english class learning how to say one million dollars and then theyre shouting random stuff like monkey and tweezers!

i know i tried but I can't find it and i remembered someone posted it up here a couple days ago
1 comment|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|09:15pm]
OKAY LAST POST, I PROMISE! [info]cryzombie filled up all 12 spots, so the game is a go now! I've PM'd the two players who got chosen to be the zombies, and the prologue is posted under a friend's lock. I have all 12 journals friended so you should be able to read it. I'm not going to make anymore update posts in Div, though, so you'll have to take it into your own hands to check for the posts.

Remember, don't tell anyone else what you are, and the next post will be up whenever the 2 zombies are done voting!
3 comments|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|09:35pm]
Does anyone know how to change your myspace settings so that you have to approve profile comments before they are posted? My aunt keeps sending me annoying as hell image comments (well, the same one over and over) that stretch my page and I am constantly deleting them.

Does anyone else get *really* annoyed by comments like that?
5 comments|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|09:55pm]
What's your favorite Starbucks drink, those of you that like Starbucks? Mine is the iced caramel machiatto. OM NOM NOM. I've also become a big fan of the new London Fog. And chai tea soy lattes! I can't choose just one. lol
19 comments|post comment

idk comments make include spoilers [18 Feb 2009|10:08pm]
why is LOST so good
everytime i watch a new episode my mouth is just :O :O!
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[18 Feb 2009|10:21pm]

basically facebook changed their terms of service so they own every picture/video/anything you upload to facebook, and even after you delete your account they still own all the content and can access it at any time. even publish it, publicly display it, etc. i just got an invite to join a group on facebook protesting this, and i had no idea facebook had done this. what are your thoughts?
**edit** i see now that they reversed it (for now) but i still want to hear what you guys think about the fact that they did this at all

22 comments|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|10:35pm]
Alright, div. You're going to a dinner party and need to bring a plate to pass. You bring...
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[18 Feb 2009|11:08pm]
Finish this sentence:
The man (or woman) of my dreams has ________ colored hair.

If I could find a really cute ginger boy my life would be complete :-(
22 comments|post comment

[18 Feb 2009|11:21pm]
What the hell Top Chef! Fabio, REALLY!? Anyone else?
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This doesn't have to be sexual, divs! [18 Feb 2009|11:22pm]
What do you find attractive about other females?
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[18 Feb 2009|11:39pm]
alright guys, i need some help! i'm taking a 20 hour bus ride on friday. on the greyhound website it says to get there at least an hour early. the bus station i guess is super ghetto and sketchy so i'm worried about being there too long. is an hour too much time? andd what do i do when i get there? who do i give my ticket to? i'll probs find this all out when i get there but i like to be prepared. thanks to anyone who can help!
9 comments|post comment

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