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stay classy, divierto

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[25 Jan 2009|12:49am]
Your roommate having a very frank discussion about the state of her relationship with her boyfriend over skype while you are in the room is the most awkward thing ever, y/n?

Tell me awkward roommate stories or something. I miss living in a single. :(
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[25 Jan 2009|01:33am]
this fear 2 demo is scaring the piss out of me.

what are you up to tonight?
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[25 Jan 2009|01:42am]
My friend is getting 2 sugar gliders. Idk how I feel about them, they are cute, but I heard they are kinda stinky and loud. Anyway, she needs names! They are both male, and she wants something cute so that the two names go together. (Example: my moms cats names are Julius, and Caesar.) Help?
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[25 Jan 2009|02:35am]
where might one be able to find a really small skinny waist belt? i like the ones at urban outfitters, but the smallest i've seen is 32 inch and my waist is 23, which would mean a lot of extra stuff flopping around at the end.

or where might i find an adult looking kids belt? i've tried the gap and target websites so far but they all have like butterflies or hannah montana or some shit on them.
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[25 Jan 2009|04:09am]

apparently kelloggs corn flakes was meant to keep you from masturbating. awesome.
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[25 Jan 2009|10:34am]
for some inexplicable reason, you can only eat hot or cold food for the rest of your life. which do you choose?

i would choose cold
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it's sunday, you know what that means [25 Jan 2009|11:49am]

mine is hilarious.
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[25 Jan 2009|12:37pm]
what's your ringtone?
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[25 Jan 2009|01:38pm]
what are the dumbest questions you get at work?

i work at a qvc call center and a kitchen show is on right now and this guy just called and asked me how they get their pancake batter so thin. i'm like idfk i'm not even watching the show. why would i know that.
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[25 Jan 2009|01:55pm]
so, i have internet through at&t and i have no idea why it's not working :-/ it was working all last night and this morning and suddenly the box only says i have wireless connection?? i tried restarting it and nothing it happening. also, a few times the box wouldn't even light up.

does anyone have any idea what's up?
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[25 Jan 2009|02:47pm]
me: my dogs ruin everything -_-
PERFECT: what happened? :[
me: i was excited cause jeremy went out today which meant i had his tv and xbox all to myself so i could play call of duty or left 4 dead with my other brothers but no, isabel has to jump up onto jeremys bed and step on his remote and press something to change the tv setting and idk how to fix it so i can't play -_- i tried calling jeremy and i texted him too but he isnt answering so i'm just pissed
me: not five minutes before all this happened, my gma was like idk why those dogs are always in their cages, you guys should have them out more
me: so i just came upstairs, huffing, and was like THIS IS WHY WE DON'T HAVE THE DOGS OUT GMA, THEY RUIN EVERYTHING
PERFECT: :[ calm down baby girl
me: :[
PERFECT: rubs your cheeks~ its going to be okay
me: PLUS I FOUND OUT THIS MORNING that the pb place i JUST applied to is already on its way to being dead
me: so i'm even more pissed about that
me: my uncle decided to not come see us today, too. the one day of the fucking week he can come see us and he "has stuff to do" he is such a fucking wanker i swear to god
me: i'm having a day :(
PERFECT: so i've come to notice :\

ANYBODY ELSE HAVING A DAY -__- it's just a bunch of little stupid things piled on, it makes me want to scream and rip my hair out

ps does anybody else have an xbox live account that plays left 4 dead that would want to meet up on there sometime and play??
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[25 Jan 2009|03:04pm]
where can i watch season 4 of the office? i just finished season 3 and they left me hanging by a threadd :(
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[25 Jan 2009|03:04pm]
apparently i have the flu and i feel like shit. aside from taking medication, are there any home remedies you recommend? especially for a very sore throat. thanks div. :(
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[25 Jan 2009|04:09pm]
what ever happened to the dude that threw a shoe at george bush?
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[25 Jan 2009|04:16pm]
So div, what was the last thing to tick you off?

me )

And...I want to get this mobile memory card kit for my cell phone but I need a memory card reader adapter. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good and inexpensive one? I had my eyes on this one but I'm not sure it will work? Or maybe this one?
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[25 Jan 2009|04:46pm]
what are good communities that share mixes over here and on lj even? and so its not completely off topic in asking that, what is everyones favorite love song? mine, or well one of mine is wonderful tonight by eric clapton
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[25 Jan 2009|05:10pm]
so did you guys hear something about if the us doesn't put bush and cheney and others on trial for war crimes the un will? i heard that last night. i hope it's true.

well my friend is pretty sure germany is trying to get cheney for that. i remember hearing something about breaking a treaty? nice nice.
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[25 Jan 2009|05:21pm]
What do you want right now div?

I am soooooo cold )
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[25 Jan 2009|05:43pm]
who has a tumblr/post the link!
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[25 Jan 2009|06:39pm]
besides the obvious health precautions and filming, what do you think the difference is between prostitution and being in porn? why do you think prostitutes seem to have a much worst reputation than porn stars?
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[25 Jan 2009|06:51pm]
so gj will officially be GONE on the 30th.

my question is....

if someone came and restored GJ back to its prime, would you move back?
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[25 Jan 2009|06:56pm]
If anyone is familiar with phonetics could you please help me translate these two (very short) words from the International Phonetic Alphabet into English? I'll owe you forever

Thank you =[ )
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[25 Jan 2009|07:06pm]
Not only was my 11 hour bus ride not bad because I slept basically the whole time, but I came back to discover I do not have a roommate! :D and there is no sign of one either (...considering it's only my name on the door with the new signs my RA made)


::happy dance::

what are you happy about? :D
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[25 Jan 2009|07:23pm]
So, I'm trying to back up my old GJ entries but I can't get ljArchive to work, so does anyone know of any other programs that I could use to back them up, rather than copy and pasting every single one into Word?
Thanks :)
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[25 Jan 2009|07:57pm]
i'm going to a medieval costume party this weekend and i fail at costumes so what should i go as and how should i do it? i'm not about to buy some expensive pre-made costume so any ideas would be fantastic.

and for everyone else, what's the best theme for a costume party you've been to? i went to a bible themed one last semester as jezebel, easily my fav theme ever.
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[25 Jan 2009|08:30pm]
Your best friend's boyfriend just broke up with her out of the blue. What do you do to keep her mind off of it as much as possible?
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[25 Jan 2009|08:49pm]
i just want to know how everyone feels about the duggars... of 17 kids and counting? if you don't know who they are you can turn to TLC right now (EST time idk about anywhere else) or wiki them?
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because i've been mia... [25 Jan 2009|09:08pm]
~comment with a picture of yourself and people will say nice things to you/about you.~
and you can also see if anyone wants to add you, or whuteva.
142 comments|post comment

[25 Jan 2009|10:32pm]
can someone test video chat with me to see if it's my computer or my friends computer that's being sucky :[
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[25 Jan 2009|10:41pm]
Okay, post a picture of NOT your favorite actress, but an actress who's looks you think are flawless. (And maybe it'll be your favorite actress anyway tho..ha)

A hint about mine: She sells pot on the side )
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[25 Jan 2009|10:59pm]
songs to do the nasty too? i need to make a mix cd for valentines day night ;D
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[25 Jan 2009|11:03pm]
to the writers of div, what was the book that made you want to write?

i'm torn between 'the great gatsby' by fitzgerald and 'middlesex' by eugenides.
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[25 Jan 2009|11:13pm]
so i just got into a fight with my suite mate in which she came dangerously close to physically assaulting me, all because i asked her not to flick her lighter at me (such wild demands, she also ate [info]sungmin's cheetos).

i am a little afraid that she is going to mess with my shit while i am gone in classes, but there is no way to lock my door. what the hell am i supposed to do?
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[25 Jan 2009|11:18pm]
What's your school's reputation like? Is it known for anything in particular?

Mine is known for activism, radical political viewpoints, crazy amounts of drug use, its film department and very accepting attitudes towards homosexuality. It's also the 13th most expensive school in the US.
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[25 Jan 2009|11:26pm]
i just started up weight watchers last week again for probably the 50th time so i was wondering, what are some of your favorite healthy meals and snacks?
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[25 Jan 2009|11:35pm]
what reminds you of france?
(besides any architecture, crepes, and berets, or their flag) i need one more picture and i can't think of anything >:o
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[25 Jan 2009|11:51pm]
what is your opinion on marijuana? how would you feel if they legalized it?
62 comments|post comment

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