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stay classy, divierto

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[22 Jan 2009|12:04am]
help me div :/.... which do you like better?

under here... )
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[22 Jan 2009|12:53am]
On behalf of my new icon of Obama on a unicorn, who/what is your icon of? :D
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Of course I'm studying for my physics exam tomorrow. [22 Jan 2009|01:11am]
Not at all.

Who the hell could study with playdoh nearby? )

humor me. :[

does anyone else procrastinate as bad as i do?
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[22 Jan 2009|02:15am]

will one of you twilight fans direct me to the fullsize of this icon (which belongs to [info]portkey DON'T SUE) i need it so that my friend will shut the fuck up please thank you
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[22 Jan 2009|02:41am]
Hey guys, I don't usually do this sort of thing but it would really mean a lot to me if you could check this out.
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[22 Jan 2009|08:40am]
would you rather:

live in a semi-dangerous old neighborhood where the rent is cheap?


live in a safe new neighborhood where the rent is high?
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[22 Jan 2009|09:22am]
SO. They announced the Oscar nominations this morning.

Sigh, I can't help feeling like there's a pity nomination in there somewhere. COUGH. )

Honestly? While I think The Dark Knight was one of the best movies of last year, I think it's UGH fourth act was what killed it's chances for any sort of major nomination. It just lost control at the end (you know it did) and the whole last hour could've been used in the next movie. You can tell, too, they tried to make up for the backlash that they're going to get by throwing it in for a ton of technical awards that no one cares about :/
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[22 Jan 2009|09:27am]

This is probably one of the worst commercials in existence. Every time it comes on I cringe.

Post your least favorite/favorite commercials if you'd like.
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[22 Jan 2009|09:30am]
Good morning, [info]divierto! What song do you have stuck in your head this morning?

All Time Low - Poppin' (I almost wrote poopin'.. whoops!) Champagne
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[22 Jan 2009|11:02am]
Ok I need some only instrumental type songs!

I work with kids and they have 20 minutes of assigned reading time a day, I can only get them to stay quiet if I play some music, but so far I've been playing the same 5 or 6 songs over and over.

I need some music that is relaxing and smooth, it doesn't have to be classical like Beethoven but something with little too no words because as soon as they start to hear words they start to giggle. srsly I played jeff buckley for them and they wouldn't stop.

27 comments|post comment

Because my last poll crapped out. :\ [22 Jan 2009|11:48am]
Hopefully this one works.

Poll #3068
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

What should I rename [info]rainbows to?

View Answers

10 (17.5%)

22 (38.6%)

don't rename it!
25 (43.9%)

13 comments|post comment

[22 Jan 2009|12:06pm]
what are your parents' names?

mine are charlie and denise :-)
68 comments|post comment

i stumbled upon this on the lovely interwebz so i thought to ask... [22 Jan 2009|01:20pm]
what're your thoughts on this )
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[22 Jan 2009|01:22pm]
What are you doing right now?

Me, I'm watching The Wackness and chilling out with my cat Oscar, lmfao.
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[22 Jan 2009|02:55pm]
i'll be on the same page but idc
i just got a puppy! )
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[22 Jan 2009|03:11pm]
Ahhhh, I just got my haircut and it feels so good!

In light of this recent event, what's the longest your hair has been? The shortest? Not including 5-years-old or younger!

The shortest my hair has been is probably the length it is right now, a little shorter than my jawline. The longest was a few inches from my waist.
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[info]lostfans! [22 Jan 2009|03:26pm]
So who else thought Lost was totally amazing last night?
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[22 Jan 2009|03:33pm]
what's pissin' you off lately, div?

my college keeps purging me from the system, though i've paid all fees and tuition. they've given me two different notices in the mail about "fees were due january 9th", and the business office has confirmed everything is paid.

so...dear northeast state techinical community college,
10 comments|post comment

[22 Jan 2009|03:58pm]
So I have a Cedric Diggory pin from when HP4 came out and I really don't have any use for it but I don't just want to give it away because I honestly could use an extra dollar or two. It's really small, but I want to try to sell it to some stupid freshman girl or someone who will be like, "OMG EDWARDDDD" so how much would you sell a little pin for?

I have a friend who said that she would buy it if she had a use for it. I know girls stupid enough to fall for this bullshit haha.
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[22 Jan 2009|05:15pm]
two Afgahn girls maimed by acid

holy crap :[
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[22 Jan 2009|05:17pm]
How old were you when you lost your virginity? What were the circumstances surrounding it like? Do you regret it?

my answers )
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[22 Jan 2009|05:22pm]
what are good games for the wii?

and if you don't want to answer that, what's the last thing you bought (in pictures)?

mine )

edit two: thanks for the wii suggestions! i think i'm gonna get animal crossing or resident evil sometime soon and i bought smash brothers brawl + zelda ocarina of time on virtual console
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[22 Jan 2009|07:05pm]
What shoe size do you wear? And indicate if you have a wide ass foot, because it's so hard to find good shoes ;(
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[22 Jan 2009|07:11pm]
i was told today that apparently mila kunis and angelina jolie are half sisters, sharing the same mother.

is this common knowledge or...?

no, i do not want to google it :)
11 comments|post comment

[22 Jan 2009|07:25pm]
Okay div, so I've wanted snakebites since I was like.. a wee teenybopper. (Or at least some kind of lip piercing since then, but now I'm set on snakebites.)

ANYWAY. I've been getting a few "ew, don't do that to your face" or "idk how that'll look on you"s lately, so I just wanted to ask your opinions.

.....Although ultimately I'm probably gonna do it anyway.

oh and ps I want studs, not hoops.. if that makes a difference.

Pictures of my face )

And so this isn't totally self-centered, what's your favorite song at the moment? Mine's "Bad Girl" by Rihanna featuring Chris Brown. I can't get enough of it!
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[22 Jan 2009|07:28pm]
What flat iron do you use and what products, if any?

mine )
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[22 Jan 2009|07:36pm]
What do you and your friends do on girls'/boys' nights?
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[22 Jan 2009|08:00pm]
how would society be different if marijuana was completely legal in the united states? i mean in all aspects; crime, drug trafficking, culture, etc
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[22 Jan 2009|08:14pm]
I need some more friends on my Project 365. Who else has one? Mine is [info]inmybestdress!
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[22 Jan 2009|09:29pm]
im watching nick and norahs infinite playlist (its so cute omg) and i wanted to know what nicks ringtone was in the movie?
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[22 Jan 2009|10:00pm]
F My Life

Post funny ones!

Today, my parents woke me up in the middle of the night when they got in a huge argument and started yelling at each other. I was up all night. They decided to make it up to each other. They kept me up all night again. FML
26 comments|post comment

[22 Jan 2009|10:03pm]
Is anyone around on Neopets that wants to play Key Quest? I keep ending up with quitters.

Leave you username and I'll invite you to join.
21 comments|post comment

[22 Jan 2009|11:11pm]
god damn i can't believe it took all day for me to say this, but HAPPY ROE DAY!
22 comments|post comment

Previously ~rainbows. [22 Jan 2009|11:18pm]
I renamed to ~earth because I couldn't resist. :\

So this isn't a waste of time, show me celebrities that a lot of people think are dead sexy but you think are way overrated.

Haay. )
82 comments|post comment

I don't have a fancy poll [22 Jan 2009|11:20pm]
Should I move to
Or stay here.

I know you like these!
29 comments|post comment

tattoos [22 Jan 2009|11:28pm]
Dear Div,

In the post a few down, about posting a pic of yourself, someone asked about my neck tattoo. So now I'm curious, show me your ink, Div!

Mine. )
24 comments|post comment

[22 Jan 2009|11:42pm]
Has anyone else been watching all these wedding shows on WE the past week or...however long they've been showing them constantly?

I'm only 19 and not even dating anyone right now but it's gotten me thinking about marriage and my ~wedding~ and shit lmao :( I have no idea how I'm going to be able to handle all that kind of planning in the future when I'm going to get married.

Let's talk weddings! Do you know what you want, if so what? The only thing I know is I want small and my wedding dress to not be only white.
36 comments|post comment

[22 Jan 2009|11:58pm]
[info]quadrilateral's post inspired me, if you work at a grocery store, or gas station, whatever, do you always card people? i always card for alcohol unless they're clearly over 30, but sometimes i get lazy with cigarettes, and i never card for cough syrup/medicine.
18 comments|post comment

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