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[17 Jan 2009|12:33am]
Its this bitches birthday where I'm at so,

happy 20th birthday, [info]ohsnap!

Since we're on the topic, reply here with your birthday! :)
Mine is June 7, 1990.
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[17 Jan 2009|12:34am]
is there anywhere in existence I can buy relatively cheap jeans? Mine are falling apart, and apparently they're the hella expensive $89+ jeans that I found for $16 like two years ago :( I'm cheap and poor haha

and apparently no one likes size 6 short wtf. Argh i feel like I am the most commonly sized person in everything so they never have it.
23 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|12:50am]
since i'm addicted, post your flickrs or other photo sites.
here's mine:
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[17 Jan 2009|12:56am]
for those of you who went to see my bloody valentine: did anyone else go and not see it in 3D? i was real excited to see it in 3D because i've never seen a 3D movie, but i guess my theaters don't do that. the guy there said that everyone kept asking where their 3D glasses were. haha. honestly, i don't think i could've watched it in 3D. i could barely stand it in 2D!

and for everyone else, name the last movie you watched that you thoroughly enjoyed and the last movie that disappointed you! :)
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[17 Jan 2009|12:58am]
so i saw seven pounds and idk why everyone was bitchin and complainin about it!!
i thought it was great and maybe i'm slow but i didn't get it till like half way through the movie :(

will smith forever

im also mad i didn't get to see notorious, fuck it being sold out because all the gangs of long island were there and for once showed up on time to something and planned ahead :(

last thing to make you mad
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[17 Jan 2009|02:01am]
Ok, I don't get the point of hiring people for seasonal positions (retail), then letting them go & hiring people for part-time positions? I mean, if the seasonal people you hire can work the same shifts as the new people, why not just keep them?

lmao I'm just bitter because I'm probably losing my seasonal job, yet, my store just hired 3 new people. And I can work all the time, too. It sucks.
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[17 Jan 2009|02:07am]
lmao there's seriously a [info]sexanon?
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[17 Jan 2009|04:21am]
is anyone else hopelessly awake and pist about it :|
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i just want some happy stories (: [17 Jan 2009|09:59am]
how did you know you were in love the first time you were?
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[17 Jan 2009|11:27am]
good morning ~div! how is everyone? i'm trying to decide if i'm hungry enough to eat or not and then i have no idea what to eat, of course. sigh.

where'd the resource page go? :[
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[17 Jan 2009|11:43am]
does anyone else have problems when it comes to ordering food in person and on the phone?

i get really anxious and tongue tied if i have to speak to someone to give my order. thank god for ordering online.
14 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|12:58pm]
for english we have to write a sonnet on any topic and i'm reading dante's inferno for the 2nd time and really like the idea of writing about wrongs and hell (creepy i s'pose ha) so even if you don't believe in hell, i'm trying to come up with metaphors, words, or just ideas and concepts to incorporate and i know we have good writers here :-)
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[17 Jan 2009|01:33pm]
anyone currently dreading anything? i REALLY don't want to go to work this afternoon. it's actually giving me a stomachache.
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[17 Jan 2009|02:02pm]
what creature (besides humans) do you dislike the most?

i am not a fan of scorpions or chihuahuas
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[17 Jan 2009|02:26pm]
My hair gets really frizzy when its cold. Is there anything I can do so it's not sticking straight up all the time? I tried using some anti-frizz thing but it just made my hair really greasy. And ideas?
6 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|02:32pm]
does anyone here go to the following colleges: brown university, stanford university, mills college or barnard college? can you tell me your experience from applications to being there now?

~so everyone can participate~

what college/vocational school/whatever are you attending now? what is your aspiring career? how do you like your school and how's the social life there?
46 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|02:36pm]
Whats the best way to clean a cartilage piercing? And about how many times a day should I clean it?
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[17 Jan 2009|02:54pm]
divierto, give me examples of lovesongs with really cute one liners and/or songs about best friends ~falling for each other or similar. just cute/gross/romantic lyrics pls!
11 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|03:47pm]
What are you craving?

This is the weirdest thing ever, but I am totally craving this )
17 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|03:51pm]
Anyone going to the inauguration? If so where are you coming from, and what time do you plan to get there, etc?
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[17 Jan 2009|04:53pm]
at the namm convention earlier this week i realized i prefer white wine to red so that sparks my question. which do you like better?
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[17 Jan 2009|04:54pm]
for those of you with photobooth!

i'm trying to upload a video, but when i uploaded it to youtube it barely synced up. where can i upload the vid where it will sync up correctly?
1 comment|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|05:13pm]
if you want free shit, read this!!!

that is a link to SWAGBUCKS, a legit online program that lets you earn points by using the internet. My friend referred me, so I'm her point list now and I'll earn money for her, and if you sign up, when you get swagbucks, I will too. i mean it's like any other refer system. Check the site out, you can get giftcards and DVD sets and shit. try it!
3 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|05:38pm]
Lol, I found this on a site that makes fun of wikipedia.
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[17 Jan 2009|05:58pm]
What's in your bag kids?

Mine. )
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I'm hoping someone can help [17 Jan 2009|06:04pm]
I just bought The Sims 2 and I'm trying to install it and it won't even open, so I did it manually and everytime it says:
Sorry to everyone that thought this was on there computer :-[ )

Does anyone know how I can fix this? I have Windows Vista, btw.
20 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|06:17pm]
(4/\/ 90|_| 5|>34|< 1337?
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[17 Jan 2009|06:24pm]
How bad would it be if I got a size 7 jeans when I'm typically a size 6? Stores that only offer like 0 3 5 7 etc. make me want to punch them. Size 5 would be too small, I know because I used to be a size 5 and they're way too tiny now -_-

Show me your favorite piece of clothing!

mine )
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i'm in love [17 Jan 2009|06:34pm]
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[17 Jan 2009|06:41pm]
MAC USERS! I need software to make icons with! what do you use, BESIDES PHOTOSHOP (mine is broken). I need something that resizes and crops, pretty much.
5 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|06:50pm]
DUDE. Why in the world do some girls take FOREVER to get ready? It took me literally 15-20 minutes to change, put on my makeup, and straighten my hair. I've been ready for an hour and my friend is still not here. What do you other girls do that takes so long?! lol
33 comments|post comment

saturday nights suck. [17 Jan 2009|06:54pm]
~comment and see if anyone wants to talk to you, or add you!~

also post .gifs, k? k.
78 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|06:54pm]
So, div, please recommend me 3 - 5 of your favorite books. I'm interested in anything, other than mystery and anything you'd find with those cheesy romance novel covers. =\
25 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|06:55pm]
Poll #3041 Please only pick like two.
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Where would you like to travel most?

View Answers

North America
8 (8.9%)

South America
13 (14.4%)

74 (82.2%)

12 (13.3%)

26 (28.9%)

Australia (includes New Zealand)
47 (52.2%)

7 (7.8%)

26 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|07:43pm]
i need a version of photoshop that will work on a mac does anyone have one i can download or something? :-[
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[17 Jan 2009|08:10pm]
i need some movie recommendations! i don't watch horror movies and i would prefer movies that are easily found in blockbuster :-(
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[17 Jan 2009|08:29pm]
this is a stupid question, but i want to start ~journaling~ in real life again. i want to buy a moleskine because i've heard they're great quality, but idk which kind to get. they don't sell them anywhere in my area so i have to buy it online. i plan on writing, doodling/drawing, etc. so should i buy the plain notebook or the sketchbook? i don't want the ink to seep through the pages, you know? thanks div. :)
9 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|08:31pm]
is it true that if you have your nipples pierced, you won't be able to breastfeed in the future [obviously with the jewelry taken out]?
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[17 Jan 2009|09:13pm]
Where can I buy a spiral-bound notebook with unlined paper? I'm going to Target tomorrow to look, but I'm thinking they won't have it :(
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[17 Jan 2009|09:52pm]
this is hilarious. Basically, Right-to-Life nut jobs are blasting Krispy Kreme for their "freedom of choice" donuts.
50 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|10:00pm]
Recommend some amazing cds.
33 comments|post comment

[17 Jan 2009|10:40pm]
project 365 journals?? mine is [info]waterbuffalo add me!
18 comments|post comment

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