stay classy, divierto's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
stay classy, divierto

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[03 Jan 2009|12:09am]
who else hates it when you decide on a user name you really want and its taken but not even in use!

and also, whats your favorite song of the moment? Mine is Free by Valencia just because it just fits <3
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[03 Jan 2009|12:30am]
hey all you college kids - what college/university do you attend or will attend this fall?

i'll be a freshman at the university of alabama this fall
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[03 Jan 2009|12:49am]
Oh my god, I was pulled over by the cops for the first time evar today, Div. And it was absolutely ridiculous. I was LITERALLY driving like half a mile to drop my friend off. But there were six of us in a 5 person car. So my bff sat in the back space of my CRV and someone else couldn't figure out the seatbelt. But I was like w/e since it was SUCH a short distance. Seriously right after I get out of the parking lot we were in I get pulled over. And I was like, O SHIT it's because my friend is in the trunk. So I yelled at him to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Turns out the cop pulled me over because I forgot to turn on my headlights and he just wanted to let me know. I was so relieved. No ticket. Wow. I could have been in so much shit. Not to mention, I was driving around with a shitload of liquor earlier today too. But no, what I get pulled over for is my headlights. Haha thankfully my friend in the back did shut the fuck up and stay down hahah. The cop never knew. AWESOME.

Tell me stories about being pulled over haha

and PS: [info]nancybotwin THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SECRET SANTA GIFT. it was so cute and wonderful. i am eating the chocolate as we speak!! and your note was so cute <3 it was the perfect gift. so thank you thank you!!!!
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[03 Jan 2009|01:22am]
If you haven't commented yet, PLEASE do so soon. :)

What state do you (currently) live in?

I want to like, chart where everyone lives and stuff and see where the most people live, and where the least people live or something haha. Plus its fun to know people who live in your state!

Or if you dont live in the US, what country are you from?

States (updated) )
192 comments|post comment

[03 Jan 2009|02:01am]
broccoli kitten loves broccoli

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[03 Jan 2009|02:07am]
hey kids <3 so my cousins wife is coming to NYC to visit me, and i'm not really sure what i should do with her. what ideas do you have for a person that hasn't been to NYC in a while, but is in her 30's and has 2 kids ( that aren't coming with her of course ). she wants me to show her a night on the town. i have some ideas, but i wanted to know what you guys would do <3 any help/suggestions you can give would be AMAZING.
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[03 Jan 2009|02:22am]
anyone here seen a dermatologist for their acne problems? has it helped? i finally made an appointment for one in a couple of weeks and idk if i should even expect anything new/good to come out of it
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[03 Jan 2009|03:01am]
uhh so is anyone else dying over the new Animal Collective or just me? explain further situations where you couldn't stop listening to an album
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my sense of humor is comparable to that of a twelve year old boy [03 Jan 2009|05:50am]
i'm playing pokemon and the gym in pewter city is giving off a really cock-centric vibe you guys
my pokemon are all rock hard )
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[03 Jan 2009|09:09am]
Does anyone have the link for that photobucket that had the insane amount of pixels? I tried searching for it but I can't seem to find it :[
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[03 Jan 2009|10:23am]
What do you guys do when you start getting text messages from people you don't know? Assuming that texting them back with "who are you?" doesn't yield anything. Should I call them and ask or just let them keep doing it until they either realize they have the wrong number or get bored with being a creep?

Also, tell me about times people have had the wrong number but kept on contacting you anyway! For a few months, I kept getting an older woman calling me, looking for Mr. Alex "because it's an EMERGENCY." She'd apologize and call back for Mr. Alex like 5 minutes later :( I also kept getting collection calls from Rent-A-Center, insisting that I was Juanita Rodriguez and that I never paid them for their couch.
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[03 Jan 2009|10:37am]
Songs you can't get enough of?

I can't stop listening to jobros "lovebug"
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[03 Jan 2009|11:20am]
ok div, who's taking another whack at project 365? i'm going to do it this time goddamnit. show me yours so i can add it!

mine is at [info]mrothko.
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[03 Jan 2009|11:36am]
What's your hair look like?
What were you thinking about right before I made you think of your head?
What do you hear?
What should you be doing right now?
What are you doing later today?
Are you craving anything?
Do you still watch cartoons? (If so, name some favorites)

- Very messy and needs brushed.
- Last thing I thought about before this was Britney Spears because of [info]kaninekrunchies's post. XD
- Boyfriend snoring.
- Getting dressed and cleaning my apartment.
- Hanging out with my bestfriend.
- Barbeque. No clue why.
- Yepper. Metalocalypse ♥, The Simpsons, and Family Guy.
45 comments|post comment

lol [03 Jan 2009|01:42pm]
lmao so last night my boyfriend gave me his myspace and facebook password and he's like go on them if you want and i'm like no i trust you~ and then like an hour later i got on there and saw "new friends" and saw he added my best friends friend and i went to delete her and i accidentally DELETED ALL OF HIS NEW FUCKING FRIENDS. which was like 32 people. omg it was horrible lmao. but somehow 3 pages of his comments deleted as well, which i didn't touch but it was so stupid omg. he freaked out like it was the end of the motherfucking world.

31 comments|post comment

[03 Jan 2009|02:58pm]
i'm bored div, so tell me what your favorite song lyrics is right now!
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inspired by [info]anonlulz [03 Jan 2009|03:54pm]
When you go out on a date, who pays?
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[03 Jan 2009|03:55pm]
haha wtf

i don't know why people would take pictures of them breast feeding to begin with and believe it or not some people don't want to see your saggy boobies
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[03 Jan 2009|04:06pm]
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Matt Smith is the 11th Doctor. How do you feel about this Doctor Who fans?

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[03 Jan 2009|04:47pm]
last thing that made you go 'awww'?

hortonnn )
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[03 Jan 2009|04:52pm]
My friend is bummed so..

Pictures/gifs/whatever to cheer up yourself/your friends?
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[03 Jan 2009|05:34pm]
does anyone know where to find the pdf file of stephenie meyer's new moon?
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[03 Jan 2009|05:38pm]
good people of divierto i come to you in search of an opinion. should i move from this un to [info]capebuffalo, or [info]waterbuffalo, or should i simply stay here at [info]palomita?
31 comments|post comment

tat q. [03 Jan 2009|06:32pm]
for those of you that have gotten tattoos before,
what's the best way to take care of them as soon as you get it?

also, i have really long hair is it okay that its touching it? or should i tie my hair up?
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[03 Jan 2009|07:18pm],78515

FUCK YES ~SENATOR~ AL FRANKEN :) sorry i've just been waiting two months for these results and it is amazing. They are not ~official official~ yet but there are no more ballots to be counted and my boy won. So excited!!!!
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home on a saturday night with all my doors locked up tight. [03 Jan 2009|07:43pm]
i always read threads and posts on everyones bfs or s/o's and want to see their faces!

60 comments|post comment

[03 Jan 2009|07:55pm]
what's your take on the whole Nostradamus 2012 thing
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[03 Jan 2009|08:05pm]
can I buy spermicide at walmart? Where would it be? Sorry for the stupid questions...
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[03 Jan 2009|08:50pm]
i know i just posted, well hours ago but the page isn't moving, post your most recent picture on flickr! or if you don't have a flickr show me your most recently taken picture!

mine )
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[03 Jan 2009|09:25pm]
okay i need to know something about doctor who. you know the episode where the doctor and donna are in the library and there is some woman there, the one in charge of everybody she had come with, who seems to know the doctor (as is the same for the doctor, he seems to know her), and she whispers something in his ear and we never find out what she says nor do we ever find out who she is (not that i can remember, but they're showing the episode now on BBC america, i saw it for the first time on sci fi a while ago), and my sister and i both want to know who this woman is. this is probably a stupid question and a stupid question since i'm retarded apparently but who else is suspicious that it was rose tyler or something?
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[03 Jan 2009|09:44pm]
where can i watch marley and me online? :-[
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[03 Jan 2009|10:14pm]
what are the best macbook apps?
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~Because I just changed my default~ [03 Jan 2009|10:19pm]
Who is in your default icon & why did you pick them?

Mine is Natalie Portman because she's my favorite actress & she's gorgeous. :3
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[03 Jan 2009|10:52pm]
who are germans here or are from germany? :( i've some stuff i need to ask you about, for research purposes.
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