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i love me some rudolph noses. [05 Dec 2008|12:08am]
yo, people who wanted icons! )

Edit: I'll do the rest later today or tonight.
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please accept [info]bernie i swear to god she's not a troll [05 Dec 2008|12:15am]
if you could fly like in peter pan what would your happy thought be :3
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yo [05 Dec 2008|12:15am]
anyone ever watch the show 'testees' on fx? if so, how is it?

also, anyone know where i can watch the trailer for the new season of nip/tuck?

what movies/tv shows are you looking forward to see?
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[05 Dec 2008|12:21am]
i am making a list of ten really random things that make me think of my boyfriend. so far i have grocery stores and guitar hero. what's something random that makes you think of your SO?
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[05 Dec 2008|12:50am]
Tell me how you feel about shoplifting div? Would you do it? Have you done it? What did you get if you did? Why would/wouldn't you do it? If you know anyone who has? Any horror stories? Any good stories? Etc.
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[05 Dec 2008|01:48am]
So i've been thinking about what i'm going to buy people for christmas..
and i'm stuck on my boyfriends parents.

Yeah, I could always get them a gift certificate to some restaurant or something. But I wanted it to be something more meaningful.
There's a movie I want to get his mother cause she lovesss it, but doesn't own it.


I don't really know his father too well..
I can't just get his mom something...

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[05 Dec 2008|02:05am]

Latest obsession, div?
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[05 Dec 2008|03:21am]
what's one really stupid thing you did when you were younger?
i tried to skip school in eighth grade by calling in and pretending to be my mom. it worked. i tried to do it again two days later, guess what, it did not work a second time. my mom came over to my aunts house where we were pretending i lived at the time in order to go to school in her area after a big debacle at my former middle school, and couldn't get into the house so i hid and acted like i wasn't there then waited for her to drive off and i walked to school. i ended up getting out of it with some big bullshit lie about missing the bus and getting scared and calling the school.
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[05 Dec 2008|09:52am]
so on facebook i know there is a network for my highschool because there are people on my friends list added to it. how the hell can i join it??

also, name off your favorite christmas cookies. i forgot my party for work is tomorrow and i need to think of something to bake!
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[05 Dec 2008|10:58am]
what i think should happen is, you should all add my travel blog, divierto. i'm going to london tomorrow, paris a week after and prague a week after that, then london again and then malaysia. that's a month of travel. and i think you all need to add [info]adventures so you can read about it. it's only full of things about my preparation at the moment, but it will get better, starting sunday when i land!

also, what's your number one pet peeve on flights, long or short? mine is loud children with parents who don't control them.
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[05 Dec 2008|12:17pm]
does anyone have a septum piercing?
how do you like it? did it hurt? how was your experience with the healing?
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[05 Dec 2008|01:41pm]
Happy Friday, [info]divierto! What's everyone doing this weekend?
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[05 Dec 2008|02:54pm]
What are your Friday night plans, Divierto?

I'm apparently (it's up for debate right now) going out clubbing with a few friends. I don't have any picture ID though, and I have no idea what I'd wear. Any ideas for either? I'm gonna stay home and make a gingerbread house. How awesome is that?! I can go clubbing whenever, but you can only make a gingerbread house so many times.
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[05 Dec 2008|03:13pm]
so, i finally started my period after being almost three in a half weeks late. thank jesus i'm not pregnant, but now that i know i'm not? you can go away now pms. i really, really hate you. :[

anyway, what foods do you girls crave when it's that time of month? i want something to eat so bad right now, but can't decide what i want.
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i know you hate these questions....but. [05 Dec 2008|03:44pm]
we're having a christmas party tomorrow and i am in charge of music unfortunately, since they couldn't get a dj or band. SO, i need song suggestions plz. songs that you can dance to, and everyone, including middle age people can enjoy and dance to also, meaning no rap please. haha. thank you bbs!

p.s i cut like, almost half of my pinky off while i was decorating my tree...haha.
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[05 Dec 2008|04:11pm]
Has anyone ever had a Coloscopy before??
Does it feel any different from a regular pap smear
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[05 Dec 2008|04:21pm]
sooo i have to dress up as pam from the office for a class! what should i wear?
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[05 Dec 2008|04:35pm]
how do you bring up money issues with your friends? i know it's really rude, and i would never do it in any other circumstances, but my roommate never buys anything for the house (toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, hand soap) and i don't want to keep buying them. i've already tried to hint subtly and it didn't work :/
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[05 Dec 2008|05:02pm]
when you were younger what was your favorite game to play with your friends that you completely made up? i remember in elementary school when it was close to halloween my best friend would come over to my house and we'd play outside and pretend my lawn was a graveyard. we would always play out these different adventures and run around my house trying to hide from all the halloween decorations.

also the same friend and i pretended we were in a band and we wrote our own songs and she would sing them and i would bang on the trashcan with a stick pretending to be a drummer lmao.
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[05 Dec 2008|05:31pm]
does anybody want to be my friend on lmao. :(
i made a new account a couple of months ago, but i have like no friends.

let's make this a friending post. post your links!
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[05 Dec 2008|05:53pm]
what do you wear to a sauna? i don't have a bathsuit, so do you think if i went in a sportsbra and shorts with a towl I'd be okay?
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mac users, halp! [05 Dec 2008|06:13pm]
i have a macbook. the one with the least amount of gigs on it, and i'm in serious need of more space. i have a lot of useless stuff on here, and i'm wondering if there is a place to add+remove and delete applications? i've had it for close to 2 years and i haven't really looked for it, but i d/l apps and then don't know how to delete some or even FIND where i put them
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[05 Dec 2008|06:21pm]
I know its been done but

post pictures of things you want for christmas
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since im always talking about food... [05 Dec 2008|06:57pm]
what are you eating rn /for dinner div?

mmmm nutella on eggos.
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[05 Dec 2008|07:28pm]
lmfao for journalism i had to take some pictures today and i kept getting yelled at for not getting their whole head in the picture. icons ruined me :(
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[05 Dec 2008|07:45pm]
WTF? One of my best real life friends was supposed to be at my place between 6:30-7:00 to drive me to my birthday party so I can drink. (Though, she already flaked out on driving me HOME, because she's leaving early??? So I had to get a ride with someone else.) 7:30 rolls around and I finally call her and she goes, 'oh, I was gross and needed to shower and change. I haven't even left yet.' Alajhdjhjhjasdjdhfj.

Last thing a friend did that let you down/pissed you off?
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[05 Dec 2008|07:56pm]
So, apparently my friend Alex is made at me. We hung out once when I was home. He wanted to hang out again, but I had plans with my other friend Steve and I tell Alex this. Steve is notorious for ditching people, especially me, but I thought things might have been different this time because of the way he was acting about it. I get ditched, blah blah blah no one's really all that surprised. Alex is now not talking to me because he said he feels blown off and ~slighted~ because of this. Um. Wut.

Last ridiculous thing someone stopped talking to you about / got mad at you for?
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[05 Dec 2008|08:46pm]

~touch muh body~
you're welcome.
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I AM HEARTBROKEN [05 Dec 2008|08:56pm]
idk how many of you guys like them, or even know about them, but Men Women & Children are breaking up. D':

Last thing to break your heart? :( Or last band you loved that broke up?
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[05 Dec 2008|10:06pm]
I'm at a hookah bar for the first time ever with my friends. wow, it's really ghetto... it's a nightclub too I guess, and their idea of top 40 and hip hop is stuff from like, 1996. guess even tpain is too extravagant for them.

anybody ever been to a hookah bar? experiences? was it fun?
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DIV IS SO SLOW TONIGHT!?!? [05 Dec 2008|10:29pm]
If you've started your holiday shopping yet, what did you get & who did you get it for?
mine )
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i/we've been really active on youtube lately so that's why i've been posting about it a lot. haha [05 Dec 2008|10:29pm]
most recent thing added to your youtube account? if you don't have one, your most recent youtube discovery?

my cousin and i share an account so... )
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[05 Dec 2008|10:31pm]
right now we're having the first significant snowfall of the season. it was my last day of classes for the semester and i have been in a terrible mood. this made it about 90% better.

how was everyone's day?
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Probably a repost but this is seriously amazing! [05 Dec 2008|10:53pm]
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
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[05 Dec 2008|11:25pm]
i just saw across the universe for the first time today, and i thought it was really good.

what did you guys think of it?
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[05 Dec 2008|11:57pm]
making homemade brownies at midnight. booyah.
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[05 Dec 2008|11:57pm]
i saw bolt tonight and CRIED. last movie to make you cry?
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[05 Dec 2008|11:57pm]
I want to get or make something special for my boyfriend for our 6 month.
suggestions please?
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