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stay classy, divierto

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posting again, sry [06 May 2008|01:03am]
do you think the personal ads posted on craigslist are bogus? my friend thinks that they are all not real- just like scams i guess. i dont know what to think, but if i came across one that interested me, i wouldn't want to think it was a scary scam. :[
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[06 May 2008|01:08am]
Who else saw Iron Man? Did you love it as much as I did?
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[06 May 2008|01:29am]
Has anyone gone to a show at the HOB in Dallas? I'm driving up to see Tally Hall on Monday at the Cambridge Room in the HOB and I've never been. I mean, I know what an HOB is like but is it fairly easy to find the band after the show? I've been dared that I can't get hugs from all five members of Tally Hall and I'm determined to prove my friend wrong :[
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[06 May 2008|03:23am]
what are your plans for the summer?
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[06 May 2008|08:32am]
name some books that manage to have you crying by the end.

harry potter and the order of the phoenix
harry potter and the half-blood prince
harry potter and the deathly hallows

bridge to terabithia

where the red fern grows
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[06 May 2008|08:44am]
Where can I watch the movie Pathology online for free.
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so my harry potter diviertians [06 May 2008|10:54am]
how do you feel about them cutting out the angst of Remus/Tonks and just having them get together all happy? and how do you feel about them cutting out Dumbledore's funeral?

I guess it is a romantic comedy >:O
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[06 May 2008|11:45am]
"Should Canada adopt a US dollar? What would the impact of dollarization be on Canada's political and economic sovereignty? What can we learn from the experience in Europe with the Euro?"

I am currently working on an essay for my Canada history class, but I am completely stuck. I'm afraid that I don't understand the question at all, and I was hoping someone would be willing to lend a hand. Some places to start, websites, anything, or even just a quick helpful explanation would be amazing. I've tried Google and asking around my house, but I have had no luck. :(
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[06 May 2008|12:37pm]

I went to buy the new Amy Studt album off itunes, but they only it in the UK store and my itunes money~ is only valid for the US store WHAT THE HELL STEVE JOBBS >:O
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[06 May 2008|12:37pm]
ok so if you're on a two-year contract (with verizon, if it matters) are you eligible for a phone upgrade any sooner than that? i want a new phone but i don't really want to pay $400+ for a regular cell phone and i'm not too keen on ebay. we just signed our contract for two years in october.
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[06 May 2008|01:12pm]
anyone in indiana voting today?
my work is a voting center it's going to be crazy -__-
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[06 May 2008|01:23pm]
I have a song I really want to make my ringtone but it's DRM Protected. Idk what to do. :\
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[06 May 2008|01:30pm]
does anyone know how to uninstall aim 6.0? i have all the shortcuts deleted, i've pressed uninstall in the start menu, on the add/remove programs--all of that. none of it is working. it's still in my add/remove software list in the control panel. thanks!
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[06 May 2008|02:06pm]
so i got called for an interview today at korger for tomorrow at 11. my only problem is i have to pass a saliva drug test i guess and i'm broke as fuck, so i don't have money for a detox. i haven't smoked that much in the past month because i knew this time would come and the last time i did smoke was on friday. so do you guy know like any home remedies or anything that can help me out?
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[06 May 2008|02:16pm]
where can i watch skins online? i have one website that shows season one and two, but they seriously take like two hours to load... sooo if you could help me out please!
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dear macbook users [06 May 2008|03:22pm]
this might be a dumb question but oh well. for those of you with macbooks, how do you clean your keyboards? i know the keys pop off but i'm kind of hesitant to pop them all off and clean my keyboard for the fear that they might not go back on correctly. has anyone done this? results?
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[06 May 2008|04:23pm]
what's the link to ban people from your journal
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[06 May 2008|04:34pm]
so my dad set up my account on the computer to 'limited'
does anyone know a way around that so i can change my computer account back to normal?
hopefully what i wrote makes sense? :/
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psp people [06 May 2008|04:39pm]
I'm making graduation party invitations on psp x and I'm using a picture as the background. I hate having text on pictures so I was looking for ornate text boxes to put at the top and side to type right on to, but I can't find anything online or on psp. Help?

Also, how do you get your color palette to the right back? (the one that has a "rainbow" of colors that you can choose from when typing a text)

Thank you!
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[06 May 2008|05:40pm]
i had a crush on this boy in seventh grade, and i can't believe that something of this nature would happen near where i live
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so this kinda killed me. [06 May 2008|05:57pm]
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[06 May 2008|06:32pm]
if i block someone on myspace, can they still find/search for me, and find my profile? because if not i'll be forced to change myspaces because this one guy is totally creeping me out :(
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[06 May 2008|06:41pm]
how much is it for new ink cartridges?

i need ink, both black and color. and has anyone ever done it at walgreens? my mom told me you bring your cartridges in and they give you new ones right then so you don't have to wait but i'm always nervous when i've never done something.
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[06 May 2008|06:54pm]
does anyone know of a quick and easy way that i can save all the pictures i've loaded on my myspace profile without having to go through every album and save each and every picture?
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[06 May 2008|08:26pm]
so i just updated a bunch of stuff on my computer and now somehow i have safari? is apple doing something new/different because i'm really confused. i thought you had to pay apple for safari and i also thought it was only available on macs?
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since i just changed my default.. [06 May 2008|08:32pm]
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter (and why if you want) annnnd how many of the books have you read/movies have you seen?

I read like...the first 4 or 5 books and I've seen all of the movies. My favorite character is obviously Bellatrix Lestrange because Helena is HOT AS HELL.

EDIT:: haha really surprised!?! no love for Bella?
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[06 May 2008|08:51pm]
Who's an actress/model that could fit the role of Yassen Gregorovich's daughter, and has A LOT of images such as screen caps and many facial expressions? She's in her 20's btw. I would ask on findapb but good results, so this is the only place I could ask :[ . This is for an AU RP. If anyone an help I'd be grateful.

I also forgot to ask, how do you give an online friend a birthday present if you can not mail her anything, call her, text her, etc? It's going to be my online sister's sweet sixteen and since I can't be there, I dunno what to give her.
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[06 May 2008|09:08pm]
Post your stickam's!

Let's be friendz.
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[06 May 2008|09:10pm]
is there any websites with really cool tattoo designs?
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[06 May 2008|09:21pm]
what's your favorite dessert? post pics of it so I can mmmm.

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[06 May 2008|09:29pm]
what was the last album you bought diviertians? )
25 comments|post comment halp. [06 May 2008|09:50pm]
the songs i play on my ipod usually come up in a little last fm box and it says like scrobb;e selected or whatever. but recently the little box has stopped popping up, how do i get it back?
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[06 May 2008|10:01pm]
Holy fuck Cage of Stars is one of the saddest books ever, and I'm only up to chapter 6.

So divierto, what are you reading, or if you're not currently reading something, what was the last book you read or what do you plan on reading for your next book?
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[06 May 2008|10:04pm]
hey divierto, i need help. i've had a job before as a cashier at a grocery store. during the "interview" i wasn't asked anything that required much thinking, and when they asked if i had any questions for them i said no. anyways, i applied to toys r us today and got an interview set up on the spot, but i don't know what kind of questions to expect from them, and what kind of questions i should ask. help please!
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[06 May 2008|10:09pm]
is there any 'six feet under' fans? i just finished re-watching the series again and the series ending always gets me. the last 10 minutes are just so heart wrenching you know? i always cry like a little baby and end up watching it with my face shoved in a pillow so i don't sob aloud.

anyways are there any series finales that get to you no matter how many times you watch them?
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this is my last resort :( [06 May 2008|10:11pm]
is anyone good at coding layouts for websites? like from something like and will be willing to code it for me? i know html but i guess not enough because i'm dying with trying to figure this out. :( i'd appreciate anyone who could seriously help me out. basically this is the layout header that i want to code from. and i'm pretty sure once i have the code, i can work with it. ajgjakjgaga.
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[06 May 2008|10:19pm]
What do you do when things are tough and you are trying to keep your cool?
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[06 May 2008|11:08pm]
so i was watching the hills today and it was the new (?) one where audrina got to go in the studio and watch alkaline trio recording (which made me insanely jealous) i was wondering, since i don't actually watch the show much, i figured someone here could tell me - what does she actually do? i figured she worked for a record company or something, but does anyone know anything more specific than that?
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[06 May 2008|11:30pm]
where are some easy places to get jobs at with very little work experience? pref places that wont discriminate against those with face piercings.
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