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Swan song. [Jan. 26th, 2011|10:37 am]
Hi everyone.

So, it's been a week since my last post, and I think it's safe to say the community has run it's course.

Having the Christmas break lead into the majority of my January being eaten away by RL stuff was not something I anticipated, and I sincerely apologize for not being around to keep things rolling. You've all been amazing contributors to this comm, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for participating and making Divergence a Hell of a lot of fun!

I wish you all the best. I'm sure I'll see you out there, somewhere in the ether!

Much <3,
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Honesty time... [Jan. 19th, 2011|11:58 pm]
Hi everyone,

So I just wanted to put this out there: it looks like my life for the foreseeable future will be somewhat busier than I expected 2011 to be. I've started a second small business with a friend of mine, and all I can say is that I will have no preset schedule from now until God only knows when.

I just want to put the feelers out and see who is really invested in Divergence and who could take or leave it, or who just plain wants out. I won't take anything you say personally. I've been a very lax mod, and I do apologize for that, but I didn't see this coming, and I certainly didn't expect it to affect my day-to-day routine as much as it has.

If a large number of you are really gung-ho, I will do everything I can to keep this game going and recruit more people. If the response is lukewarm, I will shut it down.

Anonymous comments are enabled, and all comments are screened. If you want a reply from me directly, please let me know.

<3 you all,

[Jan. 10th, 2011|11:17 am]

Okay, to warm things back up around here, I've come up with a silly mini-plot based on my own holiday break...


Over the next week, each character will wake up one morning to find some kind of game sitting on their dining room table. It can be a video gaming console, a board game or a deck of cards. When they find this game, they will feel compelled to play it all day long for that day.

At the end of the game day, your character may chose to keep the game, throw it away or destroy it, depending. It's completely up to you to choose what the game is.

Go forth and have fun!!!

Bye bye my darlings [Jan. 5th, 2011|06:37 pm]
This has been a long time coming, but I'm dropping from the game. I adore the CR Franklin has had, but its weird playing him in two places at once (especially when one game is incredibly busy and the other... well, isn't). It's been fun my darlings, but Franklin and Luigi must now drift apart to the ether!

Happy New Year (late, shut up) and have fun y'all!

Technically not goodbye since I know two of the players from here are in my other game. HOLY GOD WHY CAN'T I ESCAPE YOU PEOPLE?? Shush, I would never actually want to ;)
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We need the funk [Dec. 29th, 2010|09:38 pm]
[Mood |sick]
[Music |GLEE]

Because I finally get to go to a con, calling a hiatus from now until January the 4th, Tuesday, just to be safe. I get home on Sunday, but will be exhausted and then I work at some point Monday (don't recall the time, not that it matters, more or less thinking "outloud" here). And I've been MIA the last two days due to work and feeling like sickypoo and post-holidays play-with-all-my-new-stuff things. :D Sorry.

cheers and Happy New Year!!
Korrin [Psylocke.]

Hiatus Update [Dec. 27th, 2010|01:56 pm]
Just a tiny update that I should be back from my hiatus after New Years. >.< I have officially survived Christmas in retail, even though I was close to slapping about 80% of our customers throughout the holiday season.

<3 you guys. ^__^

[Dec. 19th, 2010|12:28 pm]
Hey all! I have returned!!!!!!

Ok. So.... since I've been gone a long time catching up is going to be hard and I'll probably miss a lot. If anything happened referring to my characters (Pavel Chekov and Spike), such as tags, notes to, changes of relationship, please post a reference or link here? It would help me immensely!!!! Or if something cool or interesting happened to your char and you wanna show it off or talk about it :P. I'm all for gossip.

Also, if anybody wants to thread or plot with either of my boys just let me know ^_^. I'd love to dive back into the game both feet first!!!!

And, thanks for the patience with my hiatus. Finals were truly evil :)

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relationships! [Dec. 15th, 2010|07:59 pm]
[Mood |creative]
[Music |Ugly Betty s.3 in BG.]

Pretty CR chart is up HERE.

Please review and approve or disapprove of what I put for your character. Let me know if I should add something.

Korrin [Psylocke.]

[Dec. 14th, 2010|03:19 pm]
FIRSTLY: APOLOGIES. I have been completely swamped and I should have posted a hiatus notice. So sorry about that. :( I basically won't be available online until after the 29th. You can e-mail me, but I may be slow to respond.

SECONDLY: Seeing as it's "that" month, I'm sort of expecting everyone to have more limited time here. I do hope everyone wants to continue in the comm with us into the New Year! If you're planning to drop any characters, please let myself or Karly know. We're planning to kick off 2011 with a very complicated plot, so we'll need to know if anyone's leaving us for sure.

THIRDLY: you didn't think the Aliens forgot about Christmas, did you?!!!

STARTING THIS WEEK: the Facility will be full of holiday cheer! Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas decorations will be popping up all over the place, in the hallways and store fronts, in people's offices and restaurants. On top of that, there's snow in the park! A good foot's worth, and it just keeps on snowing, though the piles on the ground don't seem to be increasing.

Characters will wake up to find potted Christmas trees in the their living rooms, with boxes of ornaments, tinsel and lights so they can have fun setting up their trees and decorating their apartments! They will also find piles of treats in their kitchens, cookies and candies galore!

There's also mistletoe hanging here and there, and when your character finds themselves standing under it with another person, they will be unable to resist the urge to kiss that person. Whether it's a passionate lip-lock or a chaste peck, the impulse will be too strong to fight against (oh my!).

Any questions, concerns, ideas, please leave a comment.


Holiday Hiatus [Dec. 12th, 2010|11:27 pm]

I really didn't want to have to take a hiatus, but the retail world is a crazy one and my hours are multiplied by like 1000, not including being called in all the time. As such, I haven't really had time to get online much and it appears that everyone I have storylines with is on hiatus as well.

Soooo, fingers crossed that I can survive this holiday rush and angry, screaming mothers looking for the last WoW shirt and come back in one piece. ^__^

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[Dec. 9th, 2010|06:29 pm]
Hey guys...I know I'm still pretty new around here, but I still want to apologize for disappearing from the two threads I was in. My life (and creativity) has been overcome by an unfortunate bout of unnecessary personal dramas. I'm hoping it'll die down soon so I can put some focus here again...whether they're in high school or not, drama kids will always be drama kids, I suppose. :P
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Notice of REAL hiatus starting. [Dec. 8th, 2010|12:51 pm]
So I have 435 drawings to do in a week for my final animation.

So I won't be around much for this week.

It'll be over one way or another next wednesday, but don't be surprised if I sleep through thursday ^_~

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Back! [Dec. 1st, 2010|08:37 am]
Well that hiatus kinda went a tad longer than I expected. o.o;; My bad! I'm back now aaand kinda working on something special for Franklin--I MEAN WUT?! I SAID NOTHING!

So. Aside from the current mini-plot (LOCKED OUT OSHIIII-) what'd I miss? Who's screwing who this week? DETAILS, PEOPLE. THESE ARE IMPORTANT!
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[Nov. 30th, 2010|02:10 pm]
FINALS. Blew up in my face. Yup.

I may not be on aim so much at least for the next couple of days, but I can still respond to any tags. Just might be a wee bit slow here and there.

They should be manageable soon though!
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[Nov. 26th, 2010|07:11 am]
I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving and you don't all get trampled in Black Friday shopping frenzies today...

Your token Canadian
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HIATUS [Nov. 25th, 2010|04:44 pm]
BLAH BLAH WEEKEND HIATUS BLAH. Thanksgiving on Saturday, Black Friday tonight, yeeeeah, I'll be pretty out of it. Be back by Monday.

So! Black Friday. Who's doing what and where? More blah and tl;dr )

This affects Franklin Mott. He'll be in his room and.. stuff. IDEK. Being creepy I guess. IT'S WHAT HE DOES BEST.
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[Nov. 16th, 2010|12:37 pm]
Meh. I know I've talked to a couple people about starting threads recently but my brain's decided to forget who. If you could post here and let me know who I owe starters/tags I'd really appreciate it!

~Icey (Pavel and Spike)
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[Nov. 8th, 2010|11:39 pm]

I'm Em-- I have probably rped with most of you before? Hi!! ^_____^ I'm taking on Male Scarlet Witch (Warren Maximoff) and soon Lady Deadpool -- happy to be here and hope to play with you all!

Please hit me up on AIM @ zombiejaneeyre to plot and talk and stuff!

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Crazy Week [Nov. 8th, 2010|10:34 am]

So in addition to working nearly every day of the week this past week, my computer's power cord just fritzed out on me. I'll have to get a new one, but until then I'll have no computer. =/ (Borrowing one right now) I'm sorry to those who I have threads with if I've fallen behind, but after I get this all sorted out I'll try to be back with full force. <3

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[Oct. 21st, 2010|01:14 pm]
[Tags|, ]

Hello everyone!

So... I hope everyone is enjoying the Summer holiday! :)

Don't get too comfortable, though... the first "mission" type plot is coming up! Of course, this is completely voluntary. If you would like your character(s) to participate, please post to this entry with who you'll be sending along.

The mission will be an aptitude test of sorts, and the aliens will be watching. Your characters will be paired up or put into a group of 3 and sent into the forest to find something. And there's a twist, too... which will be revealed in the mission brief!



(PS, we'll be posting the info on Monday, so everyone has time to plot and chat, and the missions start on Wednesday!)
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