April 4th, 2010

[info]isa_harper in [info]dissidence_ooc

Hey everyone! I'm Sarah. I'm a full-time writer which means I have a lot of time for things like this in between revising my current novel, searching for an agent, and working on freelance projects, other projects, and working (very) part-time at a bookstore.

I have two girls for you all to meet.

First up is Isabella Harper, who is a 7th year Slytherin and also Head Girl. One thing to know about Isa is that NO ONE should call her Belle or Bella or any form of it if they want to remain unhexed. She prefers Isa (pronounced ee-sa) or Isabella if you must. She has 3 siblings, one older and out of Hogwarts and 2 younger, both also in Slytherin. She's one of those girls that most other people don't like. She's a snob, a brown-noser, and an overachiever. She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

Second, I have Lavender Brown, who we all should know fairly well. She's bubbly and silly and likes boys and clothes and Divination and her best friend Parvati. She grew up with a younger sister and their mother is an artist/singer/actress/songwriter/etc. When she's not at school she lives with her mother and her step-father (who is a Muggle barrister; oh and her mother, also, is a Muggle), and the two terrors. Er, her step-brothers.

Anyway I am excited to play a canon OotP game and would love to plot and chat and everything! You can find me on AIM at lion x serpent most of the time. If I'm not on, feel free to send me a PM. I check journals often!

[info]ex_angejo491 in [info]dissidence_ooc


I'm Steff and I'll be playing Angelina Johnson. You can catch me on aim at scheffyy or e-mail through steffpanda@gmail.com

Angie is in her 7th year, and the brand new quidditch captain. She's really really excited about it, and means to take the job very seriously. Basically, she's going to drop any and all other clubs she was in, and put quidditch over school (which isn't too hard since classes aren't really Angelina's thing!). With in a month or so, Gryffindors are going to realize that being quidditch captain really stresses Angie out, and she can be quite the fierce monster out on that field!

Off the field, she'll still be the same Angelina. A bit too nice and a bit too goofy, but mostly interested in just having a good time. She's really close with her quidditch mates, so I don't know how well she'll know anyone else, but I'm up for anything! She also loathes the Slytherin quidditch team for letting people buy their way on and cheating.

Anyways, I'm up for any and all plot, so shoot it at me!

May 2010

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