June 2018


February 26th, 2018



Hello everyone!

So starting right now, the journal wards will cease working entirely. Your characters won't be able to ward their posts or their comments for the next few days. Security wards will also start malfunctioning too. Even the Ministry's wards will be a bit buggy. Most importantly though, the IDs will no longer function.

Also, when we went to pair people off for the Order initiative starting today, we found our numbers were a little off and that we have more people volunteering to be bugged and more Order people volunteering for confrontations. Since we've already had two big confrontations this month, we were wondering if anyone objected to making this a strictly bugging plot. Kingsley will be holding an Order meeting tonight so they can discuss getting this ball rolling in character and what to do about communicating in the meantime.



Hi guys!

First of all, we know this month we've been a little slower than usual. We've both had a few speedbumps in our personal lives and it's put a strain on our internet lives. We were also a little overambitious with our plots on top of all this and we both want to say we really appreciate your patience and flexibility this month!

We also know the activity check is very late! With the shortened month, it slipped our minds that it should've gone up several days ago, but it also just slipped our minds. So this month we've decided to do a check in/meme hybrid. We thought this post had a really great response and we've had some new characters.

If you'd rather opt out and just check in, feel free to do so! We'll be keeping a running list of our players. But if you'd like, comment below with each of your characters and any ideas you have for the coming months that you think the rest of us can help with!