June 2018


December 6th, 2017



Hi folks! We hope December's off to a good start for everyone! We have three big things to cover this week, so please read this post carefully.

This is officially our last round of adds until January. We'll be re-opening holds on the 10th to give ourselves a little breather through the holidays! We'd also like to take the opportunity this month to work on developing more storylines and deepening the connections between characters. Come January, things are going to start happening really quickly and we want to have as firm a foundation as possible going into that! In order to do so, we'll be posting some more focused plotting posts in place of introductions to give everyone a chance to find potential plot that might've been overlooked and generate new plots for the winter!

We'll also use this time to take stock of the last four months with a player survey! We'll use the responses to help formulate upcoming plot and steer our focus in the right direction through the second half of the game. We've had a great experience so far and our goal is to make it the best it can be, so please be thinking about things you'd like to see happen or changes we could make to help everyone out!

On another note, there have been a lot of questions about the IDs and what people will find when they start looking into them. We'll respond to dropbox comments and emails tonight, but in addition to that, we've added a section on the IDs, as well as an ID template, to the Magical Culture post here. If there are any other questions, please don't hesitate to comment with them on this post!

And now, without further ado, the last adds of 2017!


Instead of individual intro posts, we'll be posting weekly intro posts to give everyone a chance to introduce (or re-introduce) themselves and their characters! We encourage everyone to participate and have posted a few forms below to fill out.