dont blame me i voted socialist   
10:46pm 04/10/2008
mood: devious
music: billy bragg
Alright now that I've sobered up,I want to be serious for just a moment..I don't know how many people will actually see this here..but its about the only place left I can think to let this out...and I need to.
I vote my vote by mail ballot today..i did not vote for either Obama or the Mc Cain ticket
I had serious issues with both..for reasons to complicated and difficult to go into..
I could not bring myself to vote for Obama being mainly a Democratic voter and a Clinton supporter I none the less had too much reluctance over his experience level and friend ship with people like Reverand Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers..And although I like John Mc Cain as a moderate Reform minded Republican he is just too right wing and pro war..and frankly too old..and putting Sara Palin one 72 year old heart beat away from the Presidency was just too much for me
So I go over to my Da's house to pick up my vote by mail ballot(because you need an address to vote )and theres my dear old Ma watching Fox news blathering on and on about
how the Econmic bailout plan is the first step towards a complete Socialist take over of America..and to beat home this drum beat of repetitive mantra..wh do they have to confirm this?!but yes the Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party USA,Brian Moore.who was more than happy to agree with Niel Cavuto that yes this baliout buyout of poison paper was a good first step towards the complete Socialization of American there I am trying to vote by mail for the Presidency of the Free world..torn and conflicted because although i personally like both Obama and Mc Cain i think both are terrible candidates and poor who do i see on the TV screen..the Socialist Party USA's candidate ofr the Presidency confirming gleefully for an agitated Neil Cavuto that yes we are on the Highway to Hell or Socialism whichever comes first..
Soooooo thinks I everywhere I GO THESE DAYS I hear the same thing over and over how
creeping Socialism in America has gotten up and galloped..What the friggin heck says I
if we are on the road to Socialism who better to drive the bus over the cliff than a real honest to goodness SOCIALIST?..So yeah I did as a protest for president I VOTED Socialist!
Brian Moore got my vote-
Do you think voting for a third party candidate is a wasted vote?
Would you ever consider voting for a third party?
What is you opinion of"Socialism"??
Constitution Party
Green Party
Libertarian party

Brian Moore Debate
so am i REALLY an EX socialist? hmmmm
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