ooc for trials & tribulations

Trials & Tribulations

Out of Character

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May 2017


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January 28th, 2017




Welcome to the pre-game memes of ~trials! Our hope is that you will find that these memes help you get into the skin of your characters, find their voices, and figure out how relationships between characters in an ICly fashion instead of just the intro post.

Nothing that is said in these memes (even the IC/OOC posts) has to be canon. It is hard to know exactly how a character will fit into a game. If you and another player choose to make something from the IC/OOC posts canon then you can do so. Please make sure that you have permission before you reference it in game.

Time for you to post your character's name in the subject, while other characters will give you a list of three characters. You will have to choose which one you hex to high heaven, mate with (well, shag), and marry (platonically). The choices should be difficult! Thankfully it's all OOC so no one's feelings can get hurt...

The rest of the characters can comment on threads, as well. Ideally this can generate some fun conversation and relationship building between characters. There is no warding, though!

Remember, pre-game memes are not canon unless players agree that it is.



Game opens tomorrow, ermergerd!

IMPORTANT: We forgot to mention that the characters would know that participation in the play would result in extra credit in Muggle Studies.

Hello everyone!

First, we just want to thank everyone for joining us on this little journey for the next few months. We hope that we can provide an entertaining and enjoyable game for all, and look forward to incorporating your ideas and thoughts into the bigger plots.

Second, we just have a few housekeeping points to go over!
  • Please check the Week 1 PCal if you haven't already done so; there are a few spots open, and we'd love for them to be filled out for the first week.
  • FOR DA MEMBERS, if you haven't already done so, please look at the Dumbledore's Army page and leave a comment about your character's four-letter code name!
  • FOR (EX-)QUIDDITCH PLAYERS, please take a look at this post for information about when/what years your character played Quidditch!
  • Please go over the introductions if you haven't already done so; we encourage people to have connections with others, and even if your character doesn't have connection with someone else's character, we would love for everyone to acknowledge other players! We are playing together, after all, and it would be nice to know others!
  • There are a few pre-game IC/OOC posts that you may want to hit up, if you didn't get a chance to earlier: The Battle of Astronomy Tower & Dumbledore's Funeral, September 1, and Derek Jorkins.
  • If you want to partake in the earlier memes, go for it!
  • We want to remind everyone about the activity requirements, as well: Characters are required to have 2 pieces of activity a month, while DA characters are required to have 3 pieces of activity a month. Activity checks will be posted at the end of each month.

Third, since the game begins tomorrow, we will post a modpost about when it is okay to start posting on the journal community (around 9am PST). Please remember to utilize tags in this game as it is easier to track at later times! We encourage original posters to use their tags, and if commenters want to tag themselves on the post, as well, go for it. Later in the day (around 2pm PST), there will also be an IC/OOC post, as indicated in the PCal, about the auditions for The Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle. Please keep a lookout for that and try to respond to it in a timely manner!

Fourth, in order to make logs easier to read on phones and tablets, there is a little code to add to your post. It's on the rules page under posting guidelines, but it is also posted below (specifically -webkit-text-size-adjust: 200%;). Please, please, please, PLEASE try to remember when posting your logs to use this code so that it's a little easier on our eyes.

Fifth, have fun! We want to emphasize that since this is a Deathly Hallows game, themes will run dark and may not necessarily be easy to deal with. If you need a few days off to destress and compose yourself, please do so! We are all here to enjoy a game together and we certainly do not want anyone to stress out about it! Please feel free to contact the mods about anything and we will be more than happy to help you with whatever may work!

Thank you! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, or even general comments!

~ Trials Mods




Welcome to [info]trials! In order to keep things more organized and make it easier for you to keep track of whom you've replied to and have everything in one nice and tidy place, we've decided to have intros on one page. This page will be unlocked temporarily.

If it was hard to get conversations started since you came at the tail end of the last post, feel free to re-introduce here. Everyone, make sure you try to touch base with all players if possible!

We ask that you do a different comment for each character for simplification. Use the following form (but add more if you wish!) to help us all get to know your character (and a bit about yourself).

Feel free to use our wanted/unwanted page for specific lines. You are more than welcome to look for specific lines here as well, but want to assure you that we'll continue to find more opportunities for you to develop the relationships between your characters as the game start gets closer!



Cheerio, old sports!

Megtoo here. I've created a document for us to declare our characters' professional Quidditch allegiances. You fellow sports fans may surprise you!

Please add your characters to the document. If you've any relatives who are playing or have played for a certain team, add them in as well!

There is a map at the top that may help you determine your geographic allegiances.

The document is here.



Hello! So every now and then I (Hayley) am a big giant dork and like to make stat sheets. For some reason one of my favourites is character heights. So if you have one in mind (in feet and inches per favore), hit me with it here! This is totally optional of course - I just thought it may be a fun thing to do.

In case you're curious, the height for the average Irish adult male is 5'10", while the average Irish adult female is 5'4". Meanwhile in England, it's also 5'10" and 5'5" for males and females respectively. Wales is 5'9 1⁄2" and 5'4", while Scotland clocks in at 5'10" and 5'4 1⁄2".

(Also in another Hogwarts game my geekiness hit full swing and I came up with my own 'GPA' system in terms of characters' OWL results and put that up in a spreadsheet. Stay tuned ^^)