Step Into the Fandom Dimension

August 25th, 2007

Icons @ 01:21 am

Current Mood: tired

[01-16] HP - Chamber of Secrets
[17-25] Twilight related
[26-28] Rachel Bilson
[29-37] Zooey Deschanel


The rest here @ [info]_amandil_ 

August 21st, 2007

Friend Like Me - Harry Potter @ 08:19 am


Hi, I was directed to this site by [info]irana, so am doing a fly by Harry Potter rec for you.

Title: Friend Like Me
Author: (LJ) [info]ladyvader
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Length: approx 11,000 words
Genre: Angst (or to put it as the author did AAAANNNNNGGGSST and some semi-smut/romance)
Summary: Draco's rendition of the Love story that never was.

Friend Like Me )

August 17th, 2007

HP Rare Pairs Recs. @ 04:09 pm

Current Mood: sick

It took a while to collect these as a lot of fics have either been locked up or removed because of LJ. Anyhoo, here's everything rareish/rare that I had bookmarked. Enjoy.

Slash, gen and het beneath this cut )

August 15th, 2007

Recs: Harry Potter and the Slashy Slash @ 11:07 pm


When I suggested to [info]mythicdove that we put together rec lists for [info]dimensions, I'd already started compiling mine for the Harry Potter fandom. I have to preface this by saying I'm just now exploring this fandom, and Draco/Harry was my first introduction. I've since read some other pairings, and a few are included here, but I don't feel qualified yet to rec others more extensively. So please, if anybody else wants to take on this task, please do -- I need more to read!

I also should warn you that I like long plotty stories ... no PWP here.

Now on to the recs! )

Manip by LJ's brilliant wicked_visions

Step Into the Fandom Dimension