Step Into the Fandom Dimension

(no subject) @ 12:08 pm


I will get this prettied up soon, hopefully today after work. In the meantime if you have suggestions for any interests on the profile page of fandoms I missed, comment here and I will add them!

Mighty picspam @ 05:00 pm

Tags: ,

Since this is the place to pimp, I thought I'd post a link to the Picspam of Happiness in my journal. Anyone's welcome to stop by and paw the pretty.

Warning: It's probably NSFW and definitely not dial-up friendly.

Website update and flash fic @ 09:12 pm

I've updated my website Paradox with new drabbles and a flash fic. I have Hercules-Xena-Young Hercules fanfic there, as well as a small amount of BtVS, Spander fic.

The flash fic is currently the top level post on my IJ. It's Young Hercules, slash, PG.

Pimping @ 11:41 pm


I just joined this asylum and I thought I'd pimp my icons out.

I've just uploaded 2500(ish) icons to my photobucket and posted them to my InsaneJournal - no that isn't a typo it really does say 2500 :D Obviously not all in one post. I have icons from quite a few fandoms as well as a lot of other things. They aren't all as great as I'd like (I've improved a lot since I started and uploading them all now I can see the first ones weren't that good).

I won't link to everything here but I will say everything is tagged so if you click on My Tags in my sidebar then you should be able to find them all pretty easily. I'll just post a few here as examples.

Some of them are NSFW.

Shinies )

I have all three CSIs, Empire Records, NCIS, WaT, Harry Potter, X-Men, Sharpe, Supernatural, Troy and many others.

Step Into the Fandom Dimension