Dgray-man community for the fans.

September 30th, 2008

10:06 pm - [info]miko_no_da

Okay, after much struggling and swearing over the outline for this damned story, I've finally realized what my problem is. I need to stop trying to follow the outline. >.< It's deviated too far, and it's not just going to be nicely wrapped up in a few more chapters anymore. Not if I want the relationship between Lavi and Kanda to be anything other than ridiculously forced, anyway.

So, I'm throwing it out the window and writing completely by the seat of my pants for the first time in almost two years. I used to be a strictly organic writer, but after I discovered the Snowflake Method I've always at least had a vague structure and known what my three disasters were going to be. >.< So... we'll see how this goes.

School is getting crazy, of course, which means I'll have less time to write, but at the very least I hope to have this story finished before the end of the year. Hopefully sooner, but that's my concrete goal.

Have patience with me. I have no idea where I'm going, but I'll get there eventually. *sweatdrops*

Title: Foresight Is 20/20
Series: D.Gray-man
Pairing: Kanda/Lavi
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence, angst, yaoi, swearing, the usual
Chapter length: 4083
Total length: 38,863

Forewarned may be fore-armed, but sometimes knowing in advance isn't everything it's cracked up to be.

( Kanda hated pointless arguments - especially when he knew in his heart the other person was right. )
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