Dgray-man community for the fans.

July 20th, 2008

03:47 pm - [info]miko_no_da - [Fic] Foresight Is 20/20 - Kanda/Lavi, 4/12+

Ahahaha this story is giving me fits. >.< I hate not writing for months, I always feel like crap when I'm trying to get back into it. You'd think I'd learn that no matter WHAT, I HAVE to keep writing.

Title: Foresight Is 20/20
Series: D.Gray-man
Pairing: Kanda/Lavi
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence, angst, yaoi, swearing, the usual
Chapter length: 3290
Total length: 13,383

Forewarned may be fore-armed, but sometimes knowing in advance isn't everything it's cracked up to be.

( And if it was indeed Lavi who was here, well... Kanda had never understood what was going through the man's head at the best of times. )

Linked back to my journal; follow the tags there for previous chapters.
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