Dgray-man community for the fans.

June 13th, 2008

04:06 pm - [info]chichirinoda - Save the World One Last Time - Fic Complete

Title: Save the World One Last Time
Fandom: Crossover: D. Grey-man and Shadow Hearts
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Gen: Kanda Yuu & Hyuuga Yuri
Rating: A
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Just playing for my own amusement ^^
Warnings: Graphic violence
Summary & Notes: Kanda goes to investigate strange things happening in Domremy and finds that Yuri can't quite rest yet.

Written for [info]no_true_pair. Prompt: Hyuuga Yuri and Kanda Yuu: it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

I'm giving spoiler warnings for the end of Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Really no spoilers for D. Grey-man. If you consider the stuff in here to be spoilers, you need to see more episodes. And chill XD

( All he really expected was to finally go insane and maybe die as the world fractured apart around him. And all he could really hope for was that his friends all got out okay first, and went to whatever perfect world they were looking for. )

Crossposted to [info]no_true_pair and [info]d_grayman
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