Dgray-man community for the fans.

June 10th, 2008

01:13 pm - [info]allira_dream - D.Gray-man - try to scour your inane soul.

Title: try to scour your inane soul
Fandom: D.Gray-man.
Warnings: Violence, gore. Religious imagery.
Characters/couples: Tyki/Allen, Rabi/Allen.
Summary: “I could kill you right now,” Tyki said, cooing against his ear once more. “Would you like that, boy? It'd take a second. Or less.”
Rating: NC17.
Notes: Written for [info]springkink: D. Gray Man, Tyki/Allen & Lavi/Allen: sensory deprivation, claiming or establishing ownership - I'm no longer a human being

try to scour your inane soul
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