Dgray-man community for the fans.

January 3rd, 2008

08:40 am - [info]miko_no_da - [Fic] Too Close For Comfort - Kanda & Lavi, 3/7+

Aha! I knew there had to be a D.Gray-man community around here somewhere. I won't spam the com by posting all three chapters in a day; this is the post for the latest chapter, and you can find the first two by clicking on the link and then following the tags from my journal. I'm trying to update at least once every couple of days, so it should be finished soon-ish.

Uh, general spoilers for Lavi, Bookman and Kanda, I guess... I have no idea what specific chapters of the manga the details were revealed in, but I am drawing from some things that haven't been explicitly explained in the anime yet.

Title: Too Close For Comfort
Series: D.Gray-man
Pairing: gen, Lavi- & Kanda-centric
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: uh, mostly just violence this time.
Chapter length: 5543
Total length: 14,759

This mission has brought Kanda and Lavi closer than they ever wanted to be.

( And I'd always heard Exorcists were such big, scary bad guys. )

Linked back to my journal, follow the tags there for previous chapters.
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