D.Gray-man Dressing Room

January 30th, 2012

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The D.Gray-man Dressing Room - IJ Style!


January 30th, 2012

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[There's a yelp followed by a laugh in one of the snow courtyards, barking as well. A curious nose will find a series of tunnels in snow at least waist high, the noises coming from within.

And getting louder.

Until one golden retriever pup and one full sized redhead come barreling out of the tunnel entrance and into you.

The pup scampers off a little ways from the collision sight, barking cheerfully. Lavi pushes himself up.]

Sorry about that, didn't know anyone was there.

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[So when anybody walks into the cafe today, they'll see-- cupcakes. Everywhere. Every table has its own theme to it, either in color scheme, flower type (from the simple to the "how the hell did he do that with a piping bag"), or style, all arranged neatly in stands and interesting displays. There are a few tables that're plain, with the usual decor-- for those that don't like sweets. And one table off to the side has a stack of plain cupcakes and icing, for anybody who's bored and wants something to do.]

[And Kanda's looking fairly proud of himself.]
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