DFAS Giles's Bloody Awful Fanfiction - September 2nd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
DFAS Giles's Bloody Awful Fanfiction

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September 2nd, 2007

LiveJournal Fanfic100 Ensouled Spike/William Pratt Claim Prompt Table [Sep. 2nd, 2007|07:15 pm]


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My claim for Ensouled Spike/William Pratt was officially accepted at fanfic100, so I am posting my prompt table here as a reference, so that you all can see what I have to work with.

The prompt table of DOOM! )

I will link back to this with each prompt-initiated story, as well as turn each prompt into a link to the corresponding story as it's finished. All will be stored in the memories and tags of this community and under "fanfic100." Thank you for your support!
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FIC-13 Ensouled Spike: My Name Is Death [Sep. 2nd, 2007|07:46 pm]


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Title: My Name Is Death
Author: [info]dfasgiles (for my fics, go here: [info]dfasgbaf
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Ensouled Spike and the First Evil
Prompt: #30 Death, fanfic100
Word Count: 966
Rating: FIC-13, just to be safe
Genre: Character Exploration
Spoilers: Up to and including "Lessons" of Season 7. Read no further in these headers if you haven't seen that episode and don't want to be spoiled.
Death )
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FIC-13: Ensouled Spike w/Principal Wood & the First, He's Mine! [Sep. 2nd, 2007|09:04 pm]


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Title: He's Mine!
Author's personal fanfic community: [info]dfasgbaf
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Ensouled Spike, Principal Wood, the First.
Rating: FIC-13
Genre: Character Exploration
Prompt: fanfic100 #84, He.
Word Count: 808
Author's notes: You might notice this is very similar to my previous fic entitled "My Name Is Death." There are some very important differences, however. SPOILERS up to and including the episode "Lies My Parents Told Me," Season 7. Read no further in these headers if you don't want to be spoiled for that show. WARNINGS for violence, cussing, vampire bites, and sexual references.
He's Mine! )
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FIC-PG DRABBLE Angel/Spike: Always Together [Sep. 2nd, 2007|09:33 pm]


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[I feel | accomplished]

Title: Always Together
Personal fic community: [info]dfasgbaf (Everything I write posts here.)
Fandom: Angel the Series
Relationship: Angel/Spike
Rating: FIC-PG
Genre: Sire/Childe Nonsexual M/M Slash.
Word Count: 446
Spoilers: Up to and including the series finale "Not Fade Away." Read no further in these headers if you do not want to be spoiled for that episode.
Always... )
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