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[19 May 2010|01:41pm]

IF ANYONE STILL CHECKS THIS we have opened a game at and we would love it if you came with us. :]
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[28 Apr 2010|08:31pm]

sooo, i have made the decision to pull Delilah from this game. she just isn't working out for me here.
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[22 Apr 2010|12:31pm]

I made it to Florida safe (woooo!) especially since I had to make the drive alooooooone. :[
I've just been miserable and depressed lately. I'm so sorry I haven't been on. I will, however, be on a lot more now :]
I MISS YOU GUYS!! How is everyone? Help me catch up on what's going on. :D :D :D I'm excited. This will take my mind off the thoughs of my husband being in war and me spending my days in Florida -_______-
Anyhoot, who wants to scene, start some shit, ad have some fun?
That goes for all my kiddies.
So far, I have on the list to start a scene for
Eve and Donovan
Kyle and Orlando
Zoe and Open
Lux and Open

Anyone want dibbs? Anyone want your kids to get out? I'm open :P

♥ !
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[07 Apr 2010|12:26pm]


Anyone have ANY ideas of how to help me bring her back?
Drama for her and Vaughn, someone starting a fight....anything! :[
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[01 Apr 2010|05:12pm]

So, I totally agree that we don't have much difference in ethnicity around here, and I was wondering if it would be totally alright if I change Angelo's PB from Frank Iero to Travis McCoy?
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[11 Jan 2010|05:39pm]

SO, uhm, because I can't seem to find icons of Amelie's PB anywhere, I've decided to change her PB to Anna-Rose Demarco. Just a heads up, I'm posting her new icons now. :]
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[29 Dec 2009|03:06pm]

Hey guys! So, I know I posted this before, but if anyone could bring in Jim Sturgess, it would be totally fucking awesome! I could use this icon, and Alex would finally have a male friend too! I could also use this icon :D haha

So, uh, yeah....pleasepleaseplease! :]
Unless if you know someone who else might be willing....bring 'em in! ♥
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[05 Dec 2009|11:26am]

Hey everyone, I'm really sorry I've been MIA for a while. With school, work and family situations, I'm really unsure if I can continue playing, and I'm really upset about this. So, I think I have to take a hiatus, at least to see if things thin out for me, and I'll get back to you guys about what I'll be doing. I'm sorry!

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[15 Nov 2009|06:52pm]

Hey guys, my bad. I've been MIA the past while due to a mass amount of school work. But I'm back and ready to get her out there again.

EDIT; I don't know what I'm doing aside from making a series of rash decisions. A short hiatus while I figure it out.
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[13 Jan 2008|06:24pm]
locked for [info]devioso

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