May 13th, 2010

[info]_gentlegiant_ in [info]devils_past

Week 18- Wednesday

Who: Allen and Hawk
When: Early Morning
Where: Twin Feather Territory/Canopy
What: Allen Talking to Hawk about joining the tribe.
Rating: PG-13

Allen woke early Wednesday morning and put on his work out clothes. Stepping out of his tent he took a deep breath of the fresh air and proceeded to walk over to the cabin. As Allen stepped in he noticed Belle was already gone. She must be out running or something, guess I'll just head back to the canopy the Allen quickly wrote Belle a not so she would know where he went and headed out to the porch.

Allen spent the next few minutes stretching out his muscles and taking in the sites. Starting his run heading back up the path him and Belle had taken the night before. While running he finally had time to take in the sites around him and things he missed while distracted by his walking partner.He seriously hoped he could become a member of this tribe and was definitely going to stick around.

Checking his watch as he entered the ground floor of the canopy it had only taken him a few minutes to reach his destination. Catching his breath he started stretching out.

[info]jaxjackal in [info]devils_past

Week Eighteen -- Sunday

Who: Jax and Sentinal
Where: Jax's office at the lodge
When: Sunday late afternoon
Why: Jax returns from delivering the drifter and Sentinal has some choice words.
Rating: PG-13 - R ((Language))

As if there wasn't enough things that he had to do in an effort to keep their reputation up, he had to protect his tribe from the wrath of their partners, the Palace girls. If Jax hadn't had such a big spot in his cold heart, reserved especially for Jinx, he probably would have killed her himself for having screwed up so majorly. As it was, it had taken him nearly a week to decide how best to cover up her crime. Yet, he was perfectly satisfied that the scapegoat he'd chosen had worked.

Now that he was finally back at the lodge and the whole ordeal was over, he needed to wind down a little. Instead of heading straight for the shower, he closed his bloodied self in his office and reclined at the desk chair for a moment, with his eyes closed. Normally Jax was all for random violence and bloodshed, but this had truly been a chore and one that he didn't want to have to do again unless he absolutely had to. They'd simply have to keep a closer eye on his little pet.