[icon] Dethslash - March 23rd, 2009
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Subject:Preying on Pickles
Time:11:43 pm
Current Mood:amused
Title: Preying on Pickles
Author: AbelValentine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: The usual warnings that come along with NC-17 slash: secks-ual happenings between two boys. XD
Summary: Skwisgaar thought it would be simple; after all, Pickles never remembered...right? S/P.
Disclaimer: I do not own Metalocalypse or any characters therein. Especially not these two. ^-^

Here's the one-shot! )
Corpses: 10 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

[icon] Dethslash - March 23rd, 2009
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