[icon] Dethslash - January 17th, 2009
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Subject:First art post
Time:10:34 pm
Soooo ... I don't usually post my art stuff on journal sites. Pretty much it's only Y!gallery, and some on Deviantart, though the stuff I do with [info]dethfiction gets posted elsewhere by the lovely Miss Sarah. So I'm just gonna dump some stuff here, and if you guys have seen it, apologies!

Title of piece: Various
Artist/Author: [info]lude
Rating: All PG to PG-13
Warnings/Summary: This is all a bunch of Murderface stuff, though there's one Murderface/Toki piece that's just cuddling. Oh! And Murderface/Pickles making out. So if you don't like Murderface, there's nothing I can do. XD Also, they are kinda big, so they might take a little while to load.
Disclaimer: Belongs to Small and Blacha, etc, etc. Sure as hell ain't me.

On to the art, man. )
Corpses: 7 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

[icon] Dethslash - January 17th, 2009
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