June 4th, 2010



Tristan and Mr. Sypher, Pandora's Box, Friday night

Tristan had taken his time poking about to find information on Rhiannon's house. He'd unpacked his own place and settled in to his environment. Learning the streets between his place and Rhiannon's house hadn't taken long and now he could probably get there blindfolded. He'd also gone and checked out Harvey's school, since that was something he wanted to make sure was run well.

Now it was Friday, and after returning his father's gruff phone calls, he was checking out his club for the first time. It had been closed up and he expected to see damages, but when he opened the doors and stepped inside, the lights all came on and the bar was stocked. Curiously he poked around a little, opening doors and finding little rooms tucked away in dark corners.